[美] 伊丽莎白·库伯勒-罗斯
The Wheel Of Life 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这本书的作者,我相信是一位很感性的女医生。因为写作时候已经超过70岁,所以难免把这本书不当做一部最后一本来写。前面三分之一基本都是她个人成长经历,很絮叨,很琐碎,可以选择看。但中间开始有实际内容。 虽然,临终关怀并不是新鲜事,也并不是只有她一个人同情临终的病人...
评分作者自己写的题记是“死亡并不真的存在,人生最难的功课是学会无私地去爱。” 从人类开始会思考开始,生与死的话题就一直被讨论,或许是因为在我们即将出生,还未出生之时,我们就面临生与死的考验,这种考验,让我们必须不断的思考生与死的话题。 作者用回忆的形式,带我们...
评分这本书的作者,我相信是一位很感性的女医生。因为写作时候已经超过70岁,所以难免把这本书不当做一部最后一本来写。前面三分之一基本都是她个人成长经历,很絮叨,很琐碎,可以选择看。但中间开始有实际内容。 虽然,临终关怀并不是新鲜事,也并不是只有她一个人同情临终的病人...
评分2012年6月12日,我的同事+朋友小金离开了。 在知道小金去世之后,我把他不多的几十条微博翻看了一遍。 尤其是将死之前发的几条微博,更加让我痛恨、责备自己。 2012年5月18日 @小金:第一次输血,感觉好恐怖,好害怕,不知道什么反映,真的有效吗? ...
图书标签: 自我成长 生活 生命 灵修 哲学 Philosophy 平衡 历史
Dr Elisabeth Kubler-Ross shot to world fame in 1969 upon publication of her seminal work, "On Death and Dying". Through her many books as well as her years working with terminally ill children, AIDS patients, and the elderly, she brought comfort and understanding to millions coping with their own deaths or the death of a loved one. After a series of strokes she found herself, aged seventy, confronted with her own death. In "The Wheel of Life", her ultimate book and much-anticipated autobiography, she offered a work that is as inspiring, insightful and as incendiary as anything she had written in the past. Her memoir traced the events that shaped her intellectually and spiritually, and inevitably led her to explain her ultimate truth - that death does not exist but is a transformation. We see how her birth in Switzerland as the second of triplet girls and her conventional, though happy, childhood formed the base from which her outspoken and confident views sprang. Then, from her work as a young woman in war-ravaged Poland to her pioneering counselling of the terminally ill, her legendary seminars on death and dying at the University of Chicago and her eye-opening discussions with people who had been revived after death, we learn how each experience provided her with a new piece of the puzzle. Dr Kubler-Ross' affirmation of life after death, already expressed in lectures and interviews, sent shock waves through the medical and New Age communities alike. This final statement will no doubt ignite further controversy and debate. "The Wheel of Life" is an extraordinary, thought-provoking memoir of an exceptional woman. Like her previous revolutionary works, it will captivate and enlighten readers as an inspiring portrait of life and living.
The Wheel Of Life 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书