James Barr has worked for the Daily Telegraph, in politics, and in the City, and has travelled widely in the Middle East. He is the author of Setting the Desert on Fire, a history of T.E. Lawrence and the secret war in Arabia. During the research for A Line in the Sand he was a visiting fellow at St Antony's College, Oxford.
In the twentieth century, while fighting a common enemy in Europe, Britain and France were locked in a clandestine struggle for power in the Middle East. From the first agreement to divide the region between them to the birth of Israel, A Line in the Sand is a gripping narrative of the last gasp of imperialism, with tales of unscrupulous double-dealing, cynical manipulation, and all-too-frequent violence that continues to the present day.
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當我讀著一本書時,會被這世界哪裏冒齣來的一聲爆炸、一陣槍響打斷,好奇如我就放下書本去讀讀新聞。重新拿起書來,發現在閱讀的這書竟跟這些爆炸、槍聲、新聞扯得上關係。不妨說這也是種有趣的巧閤。 這塊沙洲,從我能聽懂邢質斌的播音開始,就沒消停過。這麼巴掌一點大的彈丸...
評分 評分 評分英國作者詹姆斯·巴爾(James Barr)的《瓜分沙洲》提供瞭一把鑰匙,為讀者打開瞭探索近代中東亂局根源和演變過程的大門。根據英法新解密的檔案文件,以及從黎巴嫩、敘利亞和南非等地搜集的資料,作者以廣闊的全局視野,追根溯源,細心梳理,再現瞭英法之間為爭奪中東統治權而...
圖書標籤: 曆史 政治 History 外文 曆史學 中東曆史 中東 military
評分結尾真夠諷刺的。1918年在大馬士革居民歡呼聲中入城的一個英國人,31年後九死一生地逃離瞭那個城市, 英法的委任統治終結,留下遍地瘡痍和仇恨。而當年和他同車入城的同僚早就說過Salvation comes from within a nation...So long as she permits outsiders to teach or preach in her boundaries, so surely is she an inferior nation. People can take from one another, but cannot give to one another(這裏不是指仇外)。阿拉伯國傢作用涉及較少。不知是否是因為作者英國人,法國人和猶太復國主義者纔特彆不堪。
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