"Habibi", based on a Middle Eastern fable, tells the story of Dodola, who escapes being sold into slavery and rescues an abandoned baby she names Zam. They live in isolation in an old boat in the desert. As they age their relationship shifts from mother and son, to brother and sister and eventually lovers. In the meantime however Dodola is forced to prostitute herself to desert traders in order to provide for Zam. When he seeks an alternative means of income Dodola is captured by the Sultan and Zam is forced into a quest to try and rescue her. At heart Habibi is, like Blankets, a profound love story, but it also functions as a parable about the environment and the state of the world. Set in the place where Christianity and Islam began, it explores the fundamental connection between these religions, and also the relationship between the first and the third world and the increasingly important battle for the earth's resources. Ambitious, but always deeply felt, "Habibi" is a beautifully drawn and moving graphic novel that will get a huge amount of attention.
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既然沒有書評,我轉一個過來吧。 (這兩天看完瞭,非常棒:畫風很清新,故事很殘酷但沒有絕望,男主角女主角都有顆勇敢的心。) 原文:http://www.fabvalley.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6292 Habibi 的采訪書評中有一句打動瞭我:墨水就是 Craig Thompson 的調色闆。雖然...
評分既然沒有書評,我轉一個過來吧。 (這兩天看完瞭,非常棒:畫風很清新,故事很殘酷但沒有絕望,男主角女主角都有顆勇敢的心。) 原文:http://www.fabvalley.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6292 Habibi 的采訪書評中有一句打動瞭我:墨水就是 Craig Thompson 的調色闆。雖然...
評分既然沒有書評,我轉一個過來吧。 (這兩天看完瞭,非常棒:畫風很清新,故事很殘酷但沒有絕望,男主角女主角都有顆勇敢的心。) 原文:http://www.fabvalley.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6292 Habibi 的采訪書評中有一句打動瞭我:墨水就是 Craig Thompson 的調色闆。雖然...
評分既然沒有書評,我轉一個過來吧。 (這兩天看完瞭,非常棒:畫風很清新,故事很殘酷但沒有絕望,男主角女主角都有顆勇敢的心。) 原文:http://www.fabvalley.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6292 Habibi 的采訪書評中有一句打動瞭我:墨水就是 Craig Thompson 的調色闆。雖然...
評分既然沒有書評,我轉一個過來吧。 (這兩天看完瞭,非常棒:畫風很清新,故事很殘酷但沒有絕望,男主角女主角都有顆勇敢的心。) 原文:http://www.fabvalley.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6292 Habibi 的采訪書評中有一句打動瞭我:墨水就是 Craig Thompson 的調色闆。雖然...
圖書標籤: 漫畫 繪本 美國 CraigThompson 歐美漫畫 graphic_novel GraphicNovel 漫畫
評分從開始到結束,幾乎沒有任何一頁不讓我嘖嘖稱奇、為之嘆為觀止的,所有的形容詞對habibi而言都簡直蒼白到可笑,一本好與動人到讓我簡直想要對安利我看它的人@128556572@elflife報以十萬分謝意的漫畫,是我認為以後可以再翻閱無數次的漫畫,我甚至在懷疑以後有沒有機會、還能不能看到比他更喜歡的漫畫瞭。另還是想再說一次,這本書大陸沒有任何引進齣版的可能性,一絲一毫都沒有,我是英文實體書與大神的民翻電子版(他做得真細心呀!)對著看的,1o9psA4y 密碼: fnn9,強烈安利大傢收英文版!
Habibi 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載