Niall Ferguson is one of Britain's most renowned historians. He is the author of Paper and Iron, The House of Rothschild, The Pity of War, The Cash Nexus, Empire, Colossus, The War of the World and The Ascent of Money. He writes regularly for newspapers and magazines all over the world. He has written and presented five highly successful television document series for Channel Four: Empire, American Colossus, The War of the World, The Ascent of Money and, most recently, Civilization.
Civilization 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
关于西方社会的崛起,有3本书值得一看 第一本是《钢铁、细菌和枪炮》,必读的一本。 第二本《国富国穷》台湾译本,原名叫做the wealth of nations 第三本是本书。 Niall Ferguson认为当下全球2大问题是西方大国主宰世界和亚洲的崛起。 作者认为西方国家的崛起其原因有6点:Scie...
评分Austria 和 Australia 看错了我也忍了;译者一点对历史的敏感度都没有,实在是基础教育打得太差。 上下文已经提示了,把A国和普鲁士和俄国并列提出来。稍有感觉的人也能知道这是奥地利吧??!!
评分1500年之后,基督教文明开始走向兴盛,印度的莫卧儿帝国,中华帝国,奥斯曼帝国开始衰落。最终基督教文明战胜地球上所有的文明,正如马云在一次演讲中说,美国的强大是基于基督教文明下的法律体系。近一百多年,所有的文明都在向基督教文明学习。 中华帝国为什么在明代迅速衰弱...
评分六个杀手锏,六个主题,呈现出文明的决定因素,决定着未来文明所属。 1:竞争:集权的中国与竞争的欧洲 2:科学:欧洲科学如何超越阿拉伯世界 3:财产权:新世界与自由 4:医学:医学如何保障欧洲崛起与扩张 5:消费:消费社会的诞生 6:新教伦理:享受时光与中国的耶路撒冷 ...
图书标签: 历史 文化 Civilization 西方 社会学 Niall_Ferguson History NiallFerguson
If in the year 1411 you had been able to circumnavigate the globe, you would have been most impressed by the dazzling civilizations of the Orient. The Forbidden City was under construction in Ming Beijing; in the Near East, the Ottomans were closing in on Constantinople. By contrast, England would have struck you as a miserable backwater ravaged by plague, bad sanitation and incessant war. The other quarrelsome kingdoms of Western Europe - Aragon, Castile, France, Portugal and Scotland - would have seemed little better. As for fifteenth-century North America, it was an anarchic wilderness compared with the realms of the Aztecs and Incas. The idea that the West would come to dominate the Rest for most of the next half millennium would have struck you as wildly fanciful. And yet it happened. What was it about the civilization of Western Europe that allowed it to trump the outwardly superior empires of the Orient? The answer, Niall Ferguson argues, was that the West developed six 'killer applications' that the Rest lacked: competition, science, democracy, medicine, consumerism and the work ethic. The key question today is whether or not the West has lost its monopoly on these six things. If so, Ferguson warns, we may be living through the end of Western ascendancy. Civilization takes readers on their own extraordinary journey around the world - from the Grand Canal at Nanjing to the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul; from Machu Picchu in the Andes to Shark Island, Namibia; from the proud towers of Prague to the secret churches of Wenzhou. It is the story of sailboats, missiles, land deeds, vaccines, blue jeans and Chinese Bibles. It is the defining narrative of modern world history.
Civilization 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书