巴巴拉·W.塔奇曼(Barbara W. Tuchman,1912—1989),美国著名历史学者、作家,美国艺术与文学学院首位女性院长,备受费正清、约翰·肯尼迪、威廉·夏伊勒等人推重。她于1963年和1972年分别凭《八月炮火》和《史迪威与美国在中国的经验,1911—1 945》两度获得普利策奖。她以文学的方式书写历史,文字充满戏剧张力和画面感,主张把历史看作可读的故事,自称是“以历史为题材的作家”;她认为历史作家同时也是艺术家,应运用想象力和创造性写出清晰、有趣的历史。塔奇曼的作品是严谨学术研究和精致文字的结合,并伴随着深刻的反思,拥有让读者着迷的魅力。
除两部普利策奖作品外,另有Bible and Sword、《齐默尔曼电报》、《骄傲之塔》、《远方之镜》、《历史的技艺》、《愚政进行曲》等作品。
Barbara W. Tuchman 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这本书非常牛逼,写的磅礴大气又很有趣,唯一的缺点可能就是翻译的不是太好,句子不是很符合中国人阅读的习惯。 这个作者还写过一本《the distant mirror》,可惜还没有被翻译过来。
评分前段时间看了几本一战土耳其战线的书,这一本关于西线的正好可以换换口味和风格。 正如作者自己在前言里说的,她是个作家,只不过题材是历史而已,本书的风格因此并不那么严肃,而是带有很多类似于小说的元素,比如喜欢把人物归类,或者说脸谱化,像“身材瘦长、热情奔放的英国...
评分 评分《八月炮火》,巴巴拉•W•塔奇曼著,1981年7月出版,当时的书价1.60元,它在我的书柜里躺了大约30年。多年以前曾经读过几页,但开篇的文字没有提起我进一步阅读的兴趣,于是打入冷宫。最近,翻书柜,又把这本冷落了几十年的旧书翻出来。这次,我被吸引住了。我所有的阅读...
图书标签: Barbara_Tuchman 军事史 一战研究 英语 美国文库 美国文学 八月炮火 世界史
consumed the whole volume within a single marathon 8-hour reading session.food was provided.tea was prepared.ppl stopped in. Clearly, Mrs.T's god is Gibbon, some parts are overblown..but the sentiments are consistent To me BWT is neither "history" nor "popular history"..it is the spirit of the quentisential american grandness (lost in our era)
评分consumed the whole volume within a single marathon 8-hour reading session.food was provided.tea was prepared.ppl stopped in. Clearly, Mrs.T's god is Gibbon, some parts are overblown..but the sentiments are consistent To me BWT is neither "history" nor "popular history"..it is the spirit of the quentisential american grandness (lost in our era)
评分consumed the whole volume within a single marathon 8-hour reading session.food was provided.tea was prepared.ppl stopped in. Clearly, Mrs.T's god is Gibbon, some parts are overblown..but the sentiments are consistent To me BWT is neither "history" nor "popular history"..it is the spirit of the quentisential american grandness (lost in our era)
评分consumed the whole volume within a single marathon 8-hour reading session.food was provided.tea was prepared.ppl stopped in. Clearly, Mrs.T's god is Gibbon, some parts are overblown..but the sentiments are consistent To me BWT is neither "history" nor "popular history"..it is the spirit of the quentisential american grandness (lost in our era)
评分consumed the whole volume within a single marathon 8-hour reading session.food was provided.tea was prepared.ppl stopped in. Clearly, Mrs.T's god is Gibbon, some parts are overblown..but the sentiments are consistent To me BWT is neither "history" nor "popular history"..it is the spirit of the quentisential american grandness (lost in our era)
Barbara W. Tuchman 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书