Reto Meier 目前是Google Android 團隊的一名Android 開發人員倡導者,幫助Android 開發人員創建最優秀的應用程序。Reto 是一位經驗豐富的軟件開發人員,擁有逾10 年的GUI 應用程序開發經驗。進入Google 之前,他曾在多種行業中工作過,包括海洋石油、天然氣以及金融業。
Reto 始終不渝地追求掌握新技術,從2007 年Android 發布之初Reto 就迷戀上瞭此項技術。在Reto 的個人網站Radioactive Yak(http://blog. 上可以瞭解Reto 的興趣和愛好。他還在Google+( 和Twitter( 上分享各種信息。
Dan Ulery 是一名軟件工程師,具有.NET、Java 和PHP 的開發經驗,並且十分熟悉軟件部署。他畢業於愛達荷大學,獲得瞭計算機科學學士學位,並且輔修瞭數學專業。
Developers, build mobile Android apps using Android 4 The fast-growing popularity of Android smartphones and tablets creates a huge opportunities for developers. If you're an experienced developer, you can start creating robust mobile Android apps right away with this professional guide to Android 4 application development. Written by one of Google's lead Android developer advocates, this practical book walks you through a series of hands-on projects that illustrate the features of the Android SDK. That includes all the new APIs introduced in Android 3 and 4, including building for tablets, using the Action Bar, Wi-Fi Direct, NFC Beam, and more. Shows experienced developers how to create mobile applications for Android smartphones and tablets Revised and expanded to cover all the Android SDK releases including Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), including all updated APIs, and the latest changes to the Android platform. Explains new and enhanced features such as drag and drop, fragments, the action bar, enhanced multitouch support, new environmental sensor support, major improvements to the animation framework, and a range of new communications techniques including NFC and Wi-Fi direct. Provides practical guidance on publishing and marketing your applications, best practices for user experience, and more This book helps you learn to master the design, lifecycle, and UI of an Android app through practical exercises, which you can then use as a basis for developing your own Android apps.
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很不錯的android書,比較全麵,但是代碼有不少小毛病,可能是翻譯過程中的問題。 p33 嵌入式和移動式設備的限製使得開發人員失去瞭摩爾定律的優勢。 p174 細節錯誤還挺多 涉及瞭很多方麵,但詳略有點不均衡。 p355 對話框是係統級的,不能輕易使用。 p700 注重質量而非功能。 舉報
評分市麵上的很多書籍都是上guide的簡單翻譯,例子照抄android sdk中的sample,而且翻譯質量還不怎麼樣,讀這些書不如直接去官網上看guide。 本書基本覆蓋瞭android app開發的方方麵麵,把android程序開發的重要組件都講明白瞭,不像某些國內作者的書,看完瞭...
評分對移動開發人員來說,現在是一個令人心潮澎湃的時代。手機從來沒有像今天這樣流行,強大的智能手機産品已經為消費者所普遍接受,而且Android 生態係統已經擴展到瞭平闆電腦和電視設備,進一步增加瞭您的Android 應用程序的受眾。 現在,外觀時尚且用途廣泛的手機帶有GPS、加速...
圖書標籤: Android 編程 Application 程序設計 Professional Development 軟件開發 計算機技術
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