乔治·弗里德曼(George Friedman)
生于匈牙利,父母亲是二次大战时纳粹大屠杀事件的生还者。由于政治因素,弗里德曼在三岁时随同父母移居美国。他对政治与国际关系议题特别感兴趣,在纽约市立大学主修政治科学,随后取得康乃尔大学的博士学位,毕业后在宾州的迪金森学院(Dickinson College)任 职二十余年。
除了政治科学学者与作家两个身份之外,弗里德曼也是美国民营智库机构“战略预测” (Strategic Forecasting Inc.简称Stratfor)的创办人与总裁,此机构为全球首屈一指的情资收集与预测公司,专门提供企业与各国政府关于全球的政经分析与预测。弗里德曼经常接受媒体访问,已出版过四本书,包括最近的《美国的秘密战争》。他并常常撰写有关国家安全、资讯战、电脑安全以及情资等等专文。他目前住在德州奥斯汀。
The Next Decade 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
毛主席曾经说过“一百年太久,只争朝夕。”或许这句话,恰恰适用于《未来10年: 谁将实现雄霸梦?》作者乔治•弗里德曼。或许喜欢看时事政治的人们,对于这位美国作者并不陌生,我在大学的时候,曾在图书馆里看到过他的《未来100年大预言》,他的放眼预言力不得不说,是能...
评分我很少读国际政治类的书,预言类的读得就更少,不过我挺喜欢这本乔治·弗里德曼所著的《未来10年-谁将实现雄霸梦?》。 判断一本“预言”类书籍的优劣,我觉得不在于其预言的准确性,而在于其方法。“错误方法正确结论”比“错误方法错误结论”要恐怖得多,因为后者还可以让人...
图书标签: 美国 经济 商业 全球化 这个不用说了 社会 李亦非 政治
The bestselling author of The Next 100 Years sharpens his focus to the next ten years, specifically the political shifts that will take place, the decisions that will be made, the consequences of those decisions, and how the American president will acknowledge and manage the fact that the United States has become an empire.
In the long view, history is seen as a series of events—but the course of those events is determined by individuals and their actions. During the next ten years, individual leaders will face significant transitions for their nations: the United States’ relationships with Iran and Israel will be undergoing changes, China will likely confront a major crisis, and the wars in the Islamic world will subside. Unexpected energy and technology developments will emerge, and labor shortages will begin to matter more than financial crises. Distinguished geopolitical forecaster George Friedman analyzes these events from the perspectives of the men and women leading these global changes, focusing in particular on the American president, who will require extraordinary skills to shepherd the United States through this transitional period. The Next Decade is a provocative and fascinating look at the conflicts and opportunities that lie ahead.
The Next Decade 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书