喬治·弗裏德曼(George Friedman)
生於匈牙利,父母親是二次大戰時納粹大屠殺事件的生還者。由於政治因素,弗裏德曼在三歲時隨同父母移居美國。他對政治與國際關係議題特彆感興趣,在紐約市立大學主修政治科學,隨後取得康乃爾大學的博士學位,畢業後在賓州的迪金森學院(Dickinson College)任 職二十餘年。
除瞭政治科學學者與作傢兩個身份之外,弗裏德曼也是美國民營智庫機構“戰略預測” (Strategic Forecasting Inc.簡稱Stratfor)的創辦人與總裁,此機構為全球首屈一指的情資收集與預測公司,專門提供企業與各國政府關於全球的政經分析與預測。弗裏德曼經常接受媒體訪問,已齣版過四本書,包括最近的《美國的秘密戰爭》。他並常常撰寫有關國傢安全、資訊戰、電腦安全以及情資等等專文。他目前住在德州奧斯汀。
The bestselling author of The Next 100 Years sharpens his focus to the next ten years, specifically the political shifts that will take place, the decisions that will be made, the consequences of those decisions, and how the American president will acknowledge and manage the fact that the United States has become an empire.
In the long view, history is seen as a series of events—but the course of those events is determined by individuals and their actions. During the next ten years, individual leaders will face significant transitions for their nations: the United States’ relationships with Iran and Israel will be undergoing changes, China will likely confront a major crisis, and the wars in the Islamic world will subside. Unexpected energy and technology developments will emerge, and labor shortages will begin to matter more than financial crises. Distinguished geopolitical forecaster George Friedman analyzes these events from the perspectives of the men and women leading these global changes, focusing in particular on the American president, who will require extraordinary skills to shepherd the United States through this transitional period. The Next Decade is a provocative and fascinating look at the conflicts and opportunities that lie ahead.
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未來是如此充滿不確定性,預言本就是個笑話。即便是讓每個地球人寫下他對未來的預測,其中奬的幾率也遠小於彩票。但問題是,不確定性的未來,也需要如作者這樣的預言,這也是未來不確定性的一部分。 未來學,自古就有,遠古的占蔔,今人的風水測字,早就融入我們的血液,隻是...
評分未來十年,暗潮湧動?未來十年,誰主沉浮?看世界如此多嬌,引無數英雄競摺腰。惜大英帝國,日不落已落,看濛古帝國,盛世不再,如今世界誰主風流,且看喬治.弗裏德曼先生逐一分析,中東亂局、俄德聯閤、中國崛起、美國伊朗大和解…… 21世紀是美國的世紀,所以他纔...
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圖書標籤: 美國 經濟 商業 全球化 這個不用說瞭 社會 李亦非 政治
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