加州大学伯克利分校计算机科学系教授,美国国家工程研究院院士,lEEE和ACM会员,曾因成功的启发式教育方法被IEEE授予James H.MIAligan,Jr.教育奖章。他因为对RISC技术的贡献而荣获1 995年IEEE技术成就奖。在RAID技术方面的成就为他赢得了1999年lEEE Reyrlold Johnson信息存储奖。2000年他和John L Henrlessy分享了冯·诺伊曼奖。
斯坦福大学校长,IEEE和ACM会士,美国国家工程研究院院士及美国科学艺术研究院院士。Hen rlessy教授因为在RISC技术方面做出了突出贡献而荣获2001年的Eckert—MatJchly奖章,他也是2001年SeymIour Cray计算机工程奖得主,并且和David A.Pattersorl分享了2000年的冯·诺伊曼奖。
Computer Organization and Design 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
感觉这本书一遍下来并不能看通透,比如第四章的流水线那里,我开始看不下去了. 以下为部分摘抄. 发展趋势:并行的处理方式. 1.4如何衡量机器的性能呢? .cpu时间: 用户cpu时间 系统cpu时间 具体的衡量cpu性能: cpu时间=指令数*cpi*时钟周期 1.5 功耗墙 功耗=负载电容*开...
评分美国加州大学伯克利分校计算机系Patterson教授和斯坦福大学计算机系Hennesssy教授是现今计算机设计领域非常受人尊敬的学者和开创者。John Hennessy精通硬件/软件,是具有传奇色彩的MIPS编译器和几代MIPS硬件产品的技术上的领导者。David Patterson是RISC最初提倡者之一。他创造...
评分为什么新版把 IO 的内容删了。。。其他部分很棒,就是少了IO的内容感觉不太好。 大家感兴趣的话可以看看第三版中相关的内容补充一下,也写得非常好。(难怪学校不用新版的当教材,果然是自作聪明了orz) 总体来说,几乎完美。算是最喜欢的硬件书之一了! 字数补丁字数补丁字数...
评分两位殿堂级计算机大神出品的经典书籍,绝对值得反复阅读。 如果你是软件开发工程师,通过阅读本书,你可以了解到你所编写的软件代码是如何使用硬件的机器指令来工作的,这样会对以后的软件开发工作有更深入的理解,熟悉高级语言之下的“一角”下的“冰山”,对问题的认识会更深...
图书标签: 计算机 计算机组织结构 体系结构 Computer CS 计算机科学 编程 教材
This Fourth Revised Edition of Computer Organization and Design includes a complete set of updated and new exercises, along with improvements and changes suggested by instructors and students. Focusing on the revolutionary change taking place in industry today--the switch from uniprocessor to multicore microprocessors--this classic textbook has a modern and up-to-date focus on parallelism in all its forms. Examples highlighting multicore and GPU processor designs are supported with performance and benchmarking data. As with previous editions, a MIPS processor is the core used to present the fundamentals of hardware technologies, assembly language, computer arithmetic, pipelining, memory hierarchies and I/O. Sections on the ARM and x86 architectures are also included. The companion CD provides a toolkit of simulators and compilers along with tutorials for using them, as well as advanced content for further study and a search utility for finding content on the CD and in the printed text. For the convenience of readers who have purchased an ebook edition or who may have misplaced the CD-ROM, all CD content is available as a download at bit.ly/nFXcLq This Revised Fourth Edition of Computer Organization and Design has been updated with new exercises and improvements throughout suggested by instructors teaching from the book Covers the revolutionary change from sequential to parallel computing, with a chapter on parallelism and sections in every chapter highlighting parallel hardware and software topics Includes an appendix by the Chief Scientist and the Director of Architecture of NVIDIA covering the emergence and importance of the modern GPU, describing in detail for the first time the highly parallel, highly multithreaded multiprocessor optimized for visual computing
评分standford & UCB production
Computer Organization and Design 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书