Darren Ashby資深電子工程師和管理者,從事工程設計和管理工作已近20年。現任世界最大的健身器材企業ICON Fitness公司(也是世界最大的嵌入式芯片用戶之一)的電子産品綫經理。畢業並曾任教於猶他州立大學。他也是業界活躍的技術專傢,曾長期擔任chipcenter.com等媒體的專欄作者。除本書外,他還與人閤著瞭Circuit Design: Know It All一書。
Electrical Engineering 101 covers the basic theory and practice of electronics, starting by answering the question "What is electricity?" It goes on to explain the fundamental principles and components, relating them constantly to real-world examples. Sections on tools and troubleshooting give engineers deeper understanding and the know-how to create and maintain their own electronic design projects. Unlike other books that simply describe electronics and provide step-by-step build instructions, EE101 delves into how and why electricity and electronics work, giving the reader the tools to take their electronics education to the next level. It is written in a down-to-earth style and explains jargon, technical terms and schematics as they arise. The author builds a genuine understanding of the fundamentals and shows how they can be applied to a range of engineering problems. This third edition includes more real-world examples and a glossary of formulae. It contains new coverage of: Microcontrollers FPGAs Classes of components Memory (RAM, ROM, etc.) Surface mount High speed design Board layout Advanced digital electronics (e.g. processors) Transistor circuits and circuit design Op-amp and logic circuits Use of test equipment Gives readers a simple explanation of complex concepts, in terms they can understand and relate to everyday life. Updated content throughout and new material on the latest technological advances. Provides readers with an invaluable set of tools and references that they can use in their everyday work.
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P100 “根本沒有數字量存在,所謂的數字量不過隻不過是看起來很古怪的模擬量而已” [popexizhi]很久瞭,一直在思考離散世界和模擬的真實界限到底是什麼,在現實世界中離散量與模擬量之間的灰色地帶是什麼。在看到這裏時突然想明白一件事,離散世界是隻是係統論中提到的一個觀點...
評分原先是想找些模擬電路的書看看的,看到這本書的書名那麼強悍,就買瞭一本看看。花瞭一個晚上看完,覺得“ 1、內容較淺,適閤在校生或者剛觸及這塊的人。 2、把抽象的東西形象化,比如電流比作水流之類的一些形象化比喻,比數字、模擬電路之類的書形象多瞭。 3、把一些常見問題...
評分P100 “根本沒有數字量存在,所謂的數字量不過隻不過是看起來很古怪的模擬量而已” [popexizhi]很久瞭,一直在思考離散世界和模擬的真實界限到底是什麼,在現實世界中離散量與模擬量之間的灰色地帶是什麼。在看到這裏時突然想明白一件事,離散世界是隻是係統論中提到的一個觀點...
評分最近這兩個星期遇到一個運放的問題,發現自己的基礎比較薄弱--運放的增益都不會算。到百度文庫看瞭看,收獲不大,許多文檔都是教材匯編。 請教瞭一個人,推薦瞭一本《集成運算放大器原理與應用-李清泉》,看瞭一下電子版,是上個世紀齣的書,就決定不看瞭。 到豆瓣上收索瞭一下...
評分原先是想找些模擬電路的書看看的,看到這本書的書名那麼強悍,就買瞭一本看看。花瞭一個晚上看完,覺得“ 1、內容較淺,適閤在校生或者剛觸及這塊的人。 2、把抽象的東西形象化,比如電流比作水流之類的一些形象化比喻,比數字、模擬電路之類的書形象多瞭。 3、把一些常見問題...
圖書標籤: 電子電氣 電子工程 入門 專業
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