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The Beauty and the Sorrow


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皮特·恩格倫(Peter Englund)

1957年生於瑞典布登。作傢、曆史學傢、烏普薩拉大學教授,作品被譯成15種語言傳播在世界各地。2002年,入選瑞典學院(頒發諾貝爾文學奬的機構)院士,2009年至2015年5月31日,擔任瑞典學院常任秘書。他曾經長期在巴爾乾地 區、阿富汗、伊朗從事戰地記者工作——他不是在書齋,而是在戰地獲得瞭更真實的戰爭體驗——他針對波爾塔瓦會戰所寫的突破性著作單在瑞典就售齣超過25萬冊。他善於以個體的感受、情緒體現戰爭的復雜性,被稱為“當代講述戰術、殺戮、戰爭心理至為傑齣的一位作傢”“高超的說書人”。


陳信宏 譯



萬 之 校


The Beauty and the Sorrow pdf epub mobi 圖書描述

In this masterly, highly original narrative history, Peter Englund takes a revelatory new approach to the history of World War I, magnifying its least examined, most stirring component: the experiences of the average man and woman—not only the tragedy and horror but also the absurdity and even, at times, the beauty.

The twenty people from whose journals and letters Englund draws are from Belgium, Denmark, and France; Great Britain, Germany, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire; Italy, Australia, and New Zealand; Russia, Venezuela, and the United States. There is a young man in the British army infantry who had been considering emigrating until the war offered him its “grand promise of change” and a middle-aged French civil servant, a socialist and writer whose “faith simply crumbled” at the outbreak of war. There is a twelve-year-old German girl thrilled with the news of the army’s victories because it means that she and her classmates are allowed to shout and scream at school. There is an American woman married to a Polish aristocrat, living a life of quiet luxury when the war begins but who will be moved, ultimately, to declare: Looking Death in the eyes, one loses the fear of Him. From field surgeon to nurse to fighter pilot, some are on the Western Front, others in the Balkans, East Africa, Mesopotamia. Two will die, one will never hear a shot fired; some will become prisoners of war, others will be celebrated as heroes. But despite their various war-time occupations and fates, genders and nationalities, they will be united by their involvement—witting or otherwise—in The Great, and terrible, War.

A brilliant mosaic of perspectives that moves between the home front and the front lines, The Beauty and the Sorrow reconstructs the feelings, impressions, experiences, and shifting spirits of these twenty particular people, allowing them to speak not only for themselves but also for all those who were in some way shaped by the war, but whose voices have been forgotten, rejected, or simply remained unheard.

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The Beauty and the Sorrow pdf epub mobi 讀後感


瑞典曆史學傢皮特·恩格倫曾為戰地記者。看慣個體的生死榮辱,或是他以小人物的命運書寫曆史的靈感。《美麗與哀愁:第一次世界大戰個人史》即是這樣一部視角獨特的作品,它講述瞭一戰期間不同國傢、不同年齡、不同職業、不同境遇的小人物的命運。 戰火中的離散與哀愁不難理解,...  


瑞典曆史學傢皮特·恩格倫曾為戰地記者。看慣個體的生死榮辱,或是他以小人物的命運書寫曆史的靈感。《美麗與哀愁:第一次世界大戰個人史》即是這樣一部視角獨特的作品,它講述瞭一戰期間不同國傢、不同年齡、不同職業、不同境遇的小人物的命運。 戰火中的離散與哀愁不難理解,...  


關於一戰、二戰的書有很多,有的側重政治、外交、社會、經濟,有的分析戰爭影響,這些書都能幫人們從宏觀上的把握全貌。而像《西綫無戰事》、《投敵者》這類書,則是聚焦到戰爭一綫的個體,以人為中心,從微觀的角度看待。 如果把戰爭當作一幅完整的全景畫麵,那麼個體的所見所...  


關於一戰、二戰的書有很多,有的側重政治、外交、社會、經濟,有的分析戰爭影響,這些書都能幫人們從宏觀上的把握全貌。而像《西綫無戰事》、《投敵者》這類書,則是聚焦到戰爭一綫的個體,以人為中心,從微觀的角度看待。 如果把戰爭當作一幅完整的全景畫麵,那麼個體的所見所...  


買書緣由:“美麗與哀愁”這個書名讓我著迷;再者副標題說這是“個人史”,而普通人物在曆史事件下的親身感受是我一直想要瞭解的,趁著五摺隨即購入。 這本書呢,近700頁的磚頭,讀來也挺費勁,畢竟我喜歡齣門把最近在讀的書帶在身上,而這本書,真得好幾斤吧? 內容上呢,值得...  

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作者:Peter Englund
譯者:Peter Graves
價格:USD 35.00

圖書標籤: 曆史  一戰  英語  history   

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By the end, it all became a bit too depressing....


By the end, it all became a bit too depressing....


By the end, it all became a bit too depressing....


By the end, it all became a bit too depressing....


By the end, it all became a bit too depressing....

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