板桥家书 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 林语堂 翻译 书信 郑板桥 古文 文学 周五考试 古代文学
林语堂是享誉中外的文学家和翻译家,他的国学根底与翻译水准堪称双绝。本套丛书各篇均为林语堂所选与林语堂所译。以中文名篇与英文名译两相对照,可谓珠联壁合。 《板桥家书》最真切动人的就是农耕社会特有的民俗美,这种美在远离故土的板桥笔下被发挥到极致,那些乡土饮食,如腌鸭蛋,梅干菜,糟腐乳,妙米糖,它填充的不是游子生理上饥饿的胃口,对游子来说,他的饥饿是口腹之外的另一种饥饿,这种饥饿是永远也吃不饱的。令板桥
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评分The government graduation love to abuse the monks and the monks love to abuse the government graduates. The proverb says,"Let each one sweep off the snow at his door-step,and not interfere with the frost on the neighbors' roof." 秀才骂和尚,和尚亦骂秀才。语云:“各人自扫阶前雪,莫管他家屋瓦霜。”
评分The government graduation love to abuse the monks and the monks love to abuse the government graduates. The proverb says,"Let each one sweep off the snow at his door-step,and not interfere with the frost on the neighbors' roof." 秀才骂和尚,和尚亦骂秀才。语云:“各人自扫阶前雪,莫管他家屋瓦霜。”
板桥家书 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书