作者托尼·赖斯 (Tony Rice),利物浦大学海洋生物学博士。曾主管伦敦国家自然史博物馆甲壳动物部,之后26年在自然环境研究理事会的海洋科学研究所领导深海生物团队。现在专注于写作和海洋环境顾问。
Voyages of Discovery 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分牙买加、锡兰岛屿、苏里南、北美洲、太平洋、澳洲, 亚马逊雨林。坚决、傲慢的灵魂,自海岛至丛林,海 底的阔地与丛林里的草木,进取者伟大卓绝的、永不 停歇的心力所向。做自己!2012.12.15
评分在春天里读一本满是动植物的书,很是应景。纵使窗外还是冷雨霏霏,心中却早已是春江水暖,快绿怡红。 书是知识的载体,也是读书人的一面镜子。我喜欢《发现之旅》这本书,很大程度上因为我是个“复古控”。国家地理杂志对该书的评语是:“这本书实在很难让人(剪)刀下留情,...
评分总觉得博物学是一门颇贵气的学问,非是要有些资本的贵族才玩的起,你总得带一队人马,跋山涉水,远离人类日常活动的区域,甚至要到地球的另外一头去收集常人所不曾见识过的矿石,树叶,动物标本。若不是有闲阶级,怕是没功夫也没时间去做的。 也因此,印...
图书标签: 自然 科学 探险,艺术 科普 自然历史 English 英文版 英文原版
Voyages of Discovery is a mesmerising visual record of ten of the most significant natural history expeditions. Superb artworks and photographs spanning three centuries document advances and watersheds in the field of natural science. The stories behind these images, of explorers, naturalists, artists and photographers, entwine into a fascinating study of human achievement and natural wonder. Among the many stories of adventure and great scientific endeavour are: Sir Hans Sloane's journey to Jamaica in 1687; James Cook's perilous Pacific crossings; and Darwin's historic voyage aboard HMS Beagle. Hand-picked from the vast Library of the Natural History Museum, London, the illustrations and artworks contained here form a rare collection, most of which are exclusively presented in this stunning book. The Library of the Natural History Museum is a repository for some of the most exciting and comprehensive collections of natural history literature and artworks to be found anywhere in the world. It holds half a million artworks, comprising one of Britain's biggest art collections, and over one million books, including rare, richly illustrated antique volumes.
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