梅拉妮·水歇尔(Melanie Mitchell),波特兰州立大学(Portland State University)计算机科学教授,圣塔菲研究所(Santa Fe Institute)客座教授。
Complexity 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
希尔伯特问题:前两条其实就是克里特人都是说谎者悖论,由哥德尔解决。第三条由图灵解决,我看不懂。 1、数学是不是完备的。是不是所有数学命题都可以用一组有限的公理证明或证否。 2、数学是不是一致的?是不是可以证明的都是真命题? 3、是不是所有命题都是数学可判定的? 第...
评分复杂,是这个世界的本质,也是人类的本质。 世界是复杂的 物理学家霍金曾被问过这样一个问题:“有人说,20世纪是物理学的世纪,而我们正在进入生命科学的世纪,您怎么看?” 霍金回答说:“我认为,下一个世纪将是“复杂性”的世纪。” 复杂,是这个世界的本质,也是人类的本...
评分1.根据热力学第二定律 孤立系统的熵永不自动减少,熵在可逆过程中不变,在不可逆过程中增加。 2.世界只能从有序到无序。 生命来源于有序的太阳能量。 3.生命的不断创造把局部无序变为有序, 让整体更无序 。例 空调运行热量运行。 4.人类的意义在于为了更快...
评分啃了几个星期,终于陆陆续续看完了。烧脑程度算是中等,虽然有的地方懵懵懂懂,不得要点,但也算是能基本理解。对于复杂性科学有了大致的印象,我感觉复杂性科学是一种科学与哲学的混合体。 与一般意义上的科学相比,它尚未发展到精确的地步,其中的很多概念,如复杂性,涌现,...
评分被这本书吸引的原因应该是它在第一章提出的几个问题:“为什么蚁群可以在无中央控制系统的情况下完成异常复杂的行为”,这个问题其实一直困扰了我好久,所以买来这本书期望可以一探究竟。 打开这本书才发现,蚂蚁不过是作者请君入瓮的诱饵,整本书涉及了混沌、可计算理论、热...
图书标签: Complexity 科普 philosophy mathematics 生命 complexity General.Science 香港中央圖書館
What enables individually simple insects like ants to act with such precision and purpose as a group? How do trillions of neurons produce something as extraordinarily complex as consciousness? In this remarkably clear and companionable book, leading complex systems scientist Melanie Mitchell provides an intimate tour of the sciences of complexity, a broad set of efforts that seek to explain how large-scale complex, organized, and adaptive behavior can emerge from simple interactions among myriad individuals. Based on her work at the Santa Fe Institute and drawing on its interdisciplinary strategies, Mitchell brings clarity to the workings of complexity across a broad range of biological, technological, and social phenomena, seeking out the general principles or laws that apply to all of them. Richly illustrated, Complexity: A Guided Tour-winner of the 2010 Phi Beta Kappa Book Award in Science-offers a wide-ranging overview of the ideas underlying complex systems science, the current research at the forefront of this field, and the prospects for its contribution to solving some of the most important scientific questions of our time.
Complexity is not well-defined. It's perspectives. It's waiting for someone who can look through these perspectives in a more profound way to integrate them into a new understanding of the world, just like Newton did with calculus.
评分Complexity is not well-defined. It's perspectives. It's waiting for someone who can look through these perspectives in a more profound way to integrate them into a new understanding of the world, just like Newton did with calculus.
评分复杂系统;初始条件的细微差异可能导致最终现象的极大不同;abc -> abd , ijk ->?
评分Complexity is not well-defined. It's perspectives. It's waiting for someone who can look through these perspectives in a more profound way to integrate them into a new understanding of the world, just like Newton did with calculus.
评分Complexity is not well-defined. It's perspectives. It's waiting for someone who can look through these perspectives in a more profound way to integrate them into a new understanding of the world, just like Newton did with calculus.
Complexity 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书