The Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載

The Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau


The Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau pdf epub mobi 著者簡介

“John T. Scott is one of the preeminent Rousseau scholars in the world, and he exhibits his expertise here. This new translation is in every particular superb: faithful to the French, albeit not mulishly so; and stylishly readable. Indeed, I think it combines these two qualities better than any other English translation that currently exists. Also, Scott’s introduction provides a compass to navigate Rousseau’s textual waters that will help both beginner and scholar to reach shore.”—Stuart Warner, Roosevelt University

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–78) was a leading Genevan philosopher and political theorist and one of the key figures of the Enlightenment. John T. Scott is professor of political science at the University of California, Davis; he has edited or translated several volumes on Rousseau and is coauthor of The Philosopher’s Quarrel: Rousseau, Hume, and the Limits of Human Understanding.

The Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau pdf epub mobi 圖書描述

Individualist and communitarian. Anarchist and totalitarian. Classicist and romanticist. Progressive and reactionary. Since the eighteenth century, Jean-Jacques Rousseau has been said to be all of these things. Few philosophers have been the subject of as much or as intense debate, yet almost everyone agrees that Rousseau is among the most important and influential thinkers in the history of political philosophy. This new edition of his major political writings, published in the year of the three-hundredth anniversary of his birth, renews attention to the perennial importance of Rousseau’s work.

The book brings together superb new translations by renowned Rousseau scholar John T. Scott of three of Rousseau’s works: the Discourse on the Sciences and Arts, the Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality Among Men, and On the Social Contract. The two discoursesshow Rousseau developing his well-known conception of the natural goodness of man and the problems posed by life in society. With the Social Contract, Rousseau became the first major thinker to argue that democracy is the only legitimate form of political organization. Scott’s extensive introduction enhances our understanding of these foundational writings, providing background information, social and historical context, and guidance for interpreting the works. Throughout, translation and editorial notes clarify ideas and terms that might not be immediately familiar to most readers.

The three works collected in The Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau represent an important contribution to eighteenth-century political theory that has exerted an extensive influence on generations of thinkers, beginning with the leaders of the French Revolution and continuing to the present day. The new translations on offer here will be welcomed by a wide readership of both Rousseau scholars and readers with a general interest in political thought.

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The Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau pdf epub mobi 讀後感


今晚是我們這個讀書小組的第一次討論,歡迎大傢來到這個小小的學術共同體。 每次過東校區看到朝氣蓬勃的麵孔都很激動,你們總是讓我想到顧城的一句詩:“你沒有 見過烏雲.你的眼睛有藍天一樣的顔色。”這讓我仿佛迴到幾年前在珠海校區與世隔絕的度假式的大一、大二生活,...  






盧梭在兩個多世紀之前的這本著作也許是第一次甚至也是最後一次如此清晰的描繪瞭人類社會應有的完美圖景。它不是柏拉圖的“理想國”,不是托馬斯·莫爾的“烏托邦”,不是亞當·斯密的資本主義當然更不會是被中國特色化瞭的社會主義。 它甚至簡單到隻有寥寥100多頁的篇幅,論述...  


學術的進化,日新月異,2、3百年前的理論,現在看來必然是過時的;但盧梭在《社會契約論》中錶現齣的智慧,卻不會隨著時間的滌蕩而黯然失色。這大概就是經典作品值得後人一讀再讀的原因:不僅為瞭學習它的內容,更是為瞭領略那隱藏在內容背後的,人類智慧所能達到的巔峰。 本...  

類似圖書 點擊查看全場最低價
出版者:University Of Chicago Press
作者:Jean-Jacques Rousseau
譯者:John T. Scott
價格:GBP 22.50

圖書標籤: 盧梭  哲學  啓濛   

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亂入的一本書。“Discourse on the Sciences and Arts” 前半部分基本重復《胠篋》後半部分討論天纔;"不平等的起源“& Marx& Butler&Anarchism&Fromm; ”Social contract“ & war machine


Human societies as Rousseau portrays them in the Discourse on Inequality are riddled with dependence on men, a dependence that corrupts us and makes us unfree. In the Social Contract, Rousseau finds a form of association where we are insofar as possible dependent only on the laws of our own free choosing: self-legislative sovereignty.


亂入的一本書。“Discourse on the Sciences and Arts” 前半部分基本重復《胠篋》後半部分討論天纔;"不平等的起源“& Marx& Butler&Anarchism&Fromm; ”Social contract“ & war machine

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