萨姆·哈里斯Sam Harris
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Free Will 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这本小册子直接了当、斩钉截铁地否认自由意志的存在。作者萨姆. 哈里斯(Sam Harris)大名鼎鼎,是“无神论四骑士”之一。坦率地说,我很多年没读过这么让我有吐槽冲动的书了,几乎每读一页都如骨鲠在喉。上一本让我有这种感觉的书,名叫《秦始皇是说蒙古话的女真人》,你们感...
评分英文版的正文+前言就50多页,http://gen.lib.rus.ec/search.php?req=sam+harris&open=0&view=simple&column=author 剩下是参考文献。。 电子版是mobi格式的http://www.downbank.cn/s/40212.htm,附上阅读器地址 【我都把这个发给大家了,劳烦各位把吴淼老师的序言给个链接...
评分Man can do what he will but he cannot will what he wills. -- Schopenhauer The theme of the book is disconcerting at best: Dr. Harris if not completely refutes the notion of free will in this little book of his, does certainly raise a serious contradiction ...
图书标签: 哲学 自由意志 心理学 认知 科普 SamHarris 认知科学 改变生活
The physiologist Benjamin Libet famously demonstrated that activity in the brain's motor regions can be detected some 300 milliseconds before a person feels that he has decided to move. Another lab recently used fMRI data to show that some "conscious" decisions can be predicted up to 10 seconds before they enter awareness (long before the preparatory motor activity detected by Libet). Clearly, findings of this kind are difficult to reconcile with the sense that one is the conscious source of one's actions. The question of free will is no mere curio of philosophy seminars. A belief in free will underwrites both the religious notion of "sin" and our enduring commitment to retributive justice. The Supreme Court has called free will a "universal and persistent" foundation for our system of law. Any scientific developments that threatened our notion of free will would seem to put the ethics of punishing people for their bad behaviour in question.In Free Will Harris debates these ideas and asks whether or not, given what brain science is telling us, we actually have free will?
知道自己没有free will反而没有颓废,平静而已
评分Goodreads和豆瓣上面都好多低分评价我看见都吓坏了!这书算是反自由意志的入门级读物吧,结果很多人在诟病说内容少。虽然内容少,可是你没读懂啊!妈呀全书都在强调,人确实是可以决定自己的决定,但人没法决定欲望(you can decide what you do but you can't decide what you want)。一票人都直接从反自由意志读出了宿命论,你连自由意志这个概念都想不透你反对个球啦,如果以为自由意志是指支配行动的能力那这本书也是白读了。行动的背后是欲望,而欲望是生理、人生经历和当下状态等很多因素相互作用共同决定的,并且大脑无法控制这其中的很多因素。
评分跟朋友聊到自由意志后得知这本书,书很短, 一口气读完。Support比较弱,仅仅来自一个小实验。对于不存在自由意志之后的延伸也不够,浅尝辄止的感觉。不过对于第一次接触类似观念的读者还是挺开脑洞的。
评分这本主要是从神经科学角度解释the illusion of free will的。。。
评分跟朋友聊到自由意志后得知这本书,书很短, 一口气读完。Support比较弱,仅仅来自一个小实验。对于不存在自由意志之后的延伸也不够,浅尝辄止的感觉。不过对于第一次接触类似观念的读者还是挺开脑洞的。
Free Will 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书