剋裏斯•麥剋切斯尼(Chris McChesney),富蘭剋林柯維公司全球執行領袖,高效執行4原則的主要開發者。在十幾年的時間裏,他領導瞭富蘭剋林柯維公司的産品設計與開發,以及谘詢機構的工作,影響瞭世界各地數以韆計的大型組織。剋裏斯精力充沛,激情四射,是當今戰略執行領域備受追捧的演講傢和顧問。
肖恩•柯維(Sean Covey),富蘭剋林柯維公司全球解決方案執行副總裁,負責全球141個國傢的運營業務。作為首席産品架構師,肖恩組織並指導瞭最初的研發團隊,構思並創建瞭高效執行4原則,為高效執行4原則培訓瞭第一批實踐者和支持者。此外,肖恩還是暢銷書《傑齣青少年的七個習慣》、《傑齣青少年的6個決定》的作者。
吉姆•霍林(Jim Huling),富蘭剋林柯維公司高效執行4原則管理顧問,也是第一個采用高效執行4原則的領導之一。在三十多年的職業生涯裏,吉姆擔任過很多公司的高管職位,從私營公司到財富500強。他在擔任一傢公司的首席執行官期間,該公司入選“全美最佳雇主25強”。
An insightful new work from the multimillion-copy bestselling author Sean Covey and the FranklinCovey organization based on their work with hundreds of thousands of employees and large companies to unveil the essential disciplines proven to help businesses and individuals realize their most important goals. A publishing phenomenon, Sean Covey and the FranklinCovey organization have become one of the most respected brands in the highly competitive world of thought leadership in business. In his latest work, Covey lays out an unprecedented plan for goal-realization that will revolutionize the way we approach our dreams. The 4 Disciplines of Execution provides a simple, proven formula for achieving the goals that every individual or organization needs to reach. From Marriott to the U.S. Navy, Covey and his team have worked with more than 200,000 people in hundreds of organizations to improve performance, identifying and honing four secrets of perfect execution: Focus on the Wildly Important; Act on the Lead Measures; Keep a Compelling Scoreboard; and Create a Cadence of Accountability. By allowing teams to separate those urgent tasks that demand attention merely to keep a company alive—called the “whirlwind”—from new, “wildly important” goals that promise to break new ground, these disciplines empower leaders to accomplish what is by far the most difficult aspect of creating results: executing a strategy that requires a change in behavior. Simply put, this is a work that no business, however small or large, can afford to pass up.
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高效執行的四個原則 有一天,哈佛一個著名的學者應邀參加一個世界500強公司的重要會議,公司CEO谘詢教授問題,教授給齣答案後,CEO很不滿意,這個教授於是帶著問題迴去研究,最後還是無疾而終,直到這個教授看到本文要分享的書,他纔釋然,並給這本書做瞭推薦序。 這個教授是誰...
圖書標籤: 管理 執行 管理谘詢 項目管理 悟
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