Vincent Bastien
奢侈品行業經驗最豐富的資深管理者,在過去的25年裏,他一直在首席執行官/總經理的位置上任職,包括奢侈品行業——在LV擔任總經理6年、賽諾菲集團(Sanofi)美妝部門的總經理3年(管理的品牌包括聖羅蘭、Nina Ricci、Yves Rocher和Sanofi Beauté),及B2B 行業(玻璃製品和印刷業)。同期,他也管理自己的成衣公司。目前在巴黎高等商學院擔任客座教授,教授奢侈品戰略。他是巴黎理工大學、巴黎高等商學院、斯坦福商學院的校友。
Jean-Noel Kapferer
品牌管理領域的最著名的專傢,其最新暢銷著作《最新戰略品牌管理》(The New Strategic Brand Management)是國際MBA為頂級市場管理者指定的參考書。 Kapferer在巴黎高等商學院(HEC)歐洲奢侈品研究中心任教,著有十多部著作,並發錶過上百篇研究文章,堪稱品牌研究領域的一位有思想的領導者。在谘詢領域,他為許多大品牌提供谘詢服務,擔任董事和顧問,經常在中國、日本、韓國、印度和美國等地為為企業高管培訓。他擁有美國西北大學的博士學位。
"The Luxury Strategy" has established itself as the definitive work on the essence of a luxury strategy, providing a thorough understanding of the unique (and often paradoxical) rules for successful luxury brand management. Completely revised and updated, the second edition of this classic text explores the diversity of meanings of "luxury" across different markets as well as the impact of social networks and digital developments on the luxury strategy. Written by two world experts on the subject, it provides a rigorous blueprint for the effective management of luxury brands and companies at the highest level, including human resources and financial management. It rationalizes those business models that have achieved profitability and unveils the original methods that were used to transform small family businesses such as Ferrari, Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Chanel, Armani, Gucci, and Ralph Lauren into profitable global brands.
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事實上,許多非常成功的案例看似與奢侈品無關,其實隻是將奢侈品戰略做瞭細微的改動,如蘋果公司。 對奢侈品的喜愛是深深根植於人之天性的。 奢侈品是且一直是任何社會的主要社會學問題,因為它同時和幾個問題相聯係:社會分層、實用和浪費、財富分配。 社會越是平和、柔性,越...
評分沒看多少, 不過有一條已經讓我嚇瞭一跳. 在談到消費者習慣的時候, 作者在文章的最後專門提到亞洲新興市場, 說這裏的人民缺失文化, 並對自己的曆史加以否定. 然後, 說: Money becomes the standard of all things.
評分沒看多少, 不過有一條已經讓我嚇瞭一跳. 在談到消費者習慣的時候, 作者在文章的最後專門提到亞洲新興市場, 說這裏的人民缺失文化, 並對自己的曆史加以否定. 然後, 說: Money becomes the standard of all things.
評分 評分這本書把大城市租金最貴地段的奢侈品旗艦店,比作這個時代的大教堂,相當傳神。然後我發現書裏提到的奢侈品的方方麵麵幾乎都可以與宗教連接。 1、品牌=神。消費者消費品牌,而不是産品。正如教徒信仰信仰各自的神(品牌),而不是宗教教義(産品)。因此盡管所有宗教教義都強...
圖書標籤: 奢侈品 管理 Marketing 商業 時尚 法國 英文原版 Luxury
評分A 300-page book took me more than one week to finish because this is the one that I had most reflections as I read, thanks to the real-life challenge I'm coming across in my work. I was attracted by the anti-laws of traditional (consumer goods) marketing and glad to learn how luxury is totally different than premium or masstige products.
評分A 300-page book took me more than one week to finish because this is the one that I had most reflections as I read, thanks to the real-life challenge I'm coming across in my work. I was attracted by the anti-laws of traditional (consumer goods) marketing and glad to learn how luxury is totally different than premium or masstige products.
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