After the economic meltdown of 2008, Warren Buffett famously warned, “beware of geeks bearing formulas.” But as James Weatherall demonstrates, not all geeks are created equal. While many of the mathematicians and software engineers on Wall Street failed when their abstractions turned ugly in practice, a special breed of physicists has a much deeper history of revolutionizing finance. Taking us from fin-de-siècle Paris to Rat Pack-era Las Vegas, from wartime government labs to Yippie communes on the Pacific coast, Weatherall shows how physicists successfully brought their science to bear on some of the thorniest problems in economics, from options pricing to bubbles.
The crisis was partly a failure of mathematical modeling. But even more, it was a failure of some very sophisticated financial institutions to think like physicists. Models—whether in science or finance—have limitations; they break down under certain conditions. And in 2008, sophisticated models fell into the hands of people who didn’t understand their purpose, and didn’t care. It was a catastrophic misuse of science.
The solution, however, is not to give up on models; it's to make them better. Weatherall reveals the people and ideas on the cusp of a new era in finance. We see a geophysicist use a model designed for earthquakes to predict a massive stock market crash. We discover a physicist-run hedge fund that earned 2,478.6% over the course of the 1990s. And we see how an obscure idea from quantum theory might soon be used to create a far more accurate Consumer Price Index.
Both persuasive and accessible, The Physics of Wall Street is riveting history that will change how we think about our economic future.
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本書以敘事的方式,講述瞭華爾街的一些興衰風雲,其中講述很多具有裏程碑意義的任務和事件,也提到很多不錯的書,對於嚮從事金融或經濟方嚮的人來說具有很與指引.感觸比較深的有四個方麵: 一是物理學傢對華爾街巨大的影響力,一般人會覺得物理學與經濟學的距離還是蠻遠的,但看...
評分 評分//2015-11-22 22:13 <對衝之王 - 華爾街量化投資傳奇> 讀後感 首先我要吐槽一下這個名字,完全和我想的故事不一樣,我還以為會介紹某些牛逼的對衝基金的思想算法和故事,結果講的是數學和物理學關於經濟預測的起源發展和經過。 後來仔細把書倒過來一看封皮印的字: The Physic...
評分這本書早在去年去香港的時候就看到有中譯本瞭,這次大陸的譯本書名有些投機取巧,事實上這本書從原名就看得齣來是講物理學進軍金融學的曆程,講量化投資的東西其實不多。 最近,我跟另一個博士閤作的一項研究也是關於這種交叉學科的實證研究。我不得不承認,盡管...
圖書標籤: 金融 金融工程 華爾街 經濟學 Finance 傳記 finance 美國
評分作者對Jim Simons真是五體投地崇拜
評分需要復習概率論。又扯上巴菲特瞭。科學(尤其物理學)是分析解釋客觀世界的工具,理論(數學)推導,實驗反復驗證的學問。經濟學分析客觀世界和人的主動選擇,研究互動,側重於人的價值選擇。當華爾街用盡經濟學提供的工具,物理學(數學)不失為一種附加工具,在競爭中有一定的優勢。如果大傢都用上,就沒有優勢可言。何況市場終究取決於人的價值取嚮,物理學對此注定無能為力。學物理不賺錢,難齣成績,這纔是作者最在乎的問題。 現在看來,還是從這本書學到不少東西,公允一點,加一個星。
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