Robert Greene has a degree in classical studies and is the author of several bestselling books, including The 48 Laws of Power, The 33 Strategies of War, The Art of Seduction, and Mastery. He lives in Los Angeles.
Each one of us has within us the potential to be a Master. Learn the secrets of the field you have chosen, submit to a rigorous apprenticeship, absorb the hidden knowledge possessed by those with years of experience, surge past competitors to surpass them in brilliance, and explode established patterns from within. Study the behaviors of Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Leonardo da Vinci and the nine contemporary Masters interviewed for this book.
The bestseller author of The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, and The 33 Strategies of War, Robert Greene has spent a liftime studying the laws of power. Now, he shares the secret path to greatness. With this seminal text as a guide, readers will learn how to unlock the passion within and become masters.
From the Trade Paperback edition.
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Finally, you must see your career or vocational path more as a journey withtwists and turns rather than a straight line. 在毛姆寫的《月亮與六便士》中, Strickland 拋棄瞭世俗的一切,去追尋瞭他想要的——那種來自靈魂深處的感動。翻開他的另一本書,扉頁上寫著: ...
評分羅伯特·格林,美國著名暢銷書作傢和演說傢。他齣生於洛杉磯,畢業於美國加州大學伯剋利分校和威斯康星州立大學,曾任著名雜誌《紐約客》的編輯和自由撰稿人。他精通多國語言,曾旅居世界各地,見多識廣。 《Mastery》是羅伯特·格林2012年的一部作品。1998年,格林推齣《權力...
評分the book itself is sort of a synthesis of all robert's other work and is what's considered to be the ultimate form of power which is mastering your field and being creative. if you have a mind that is so enriched with knowledge and knows your field so well,...
評分the book itself is sort of a synthesis of all robert's other work and is what's considered to be the ultimate form of power which is mastering your field and being creative. if you have a mind that is so enriched with knowledge and knows your field so well,...
圖書標籤: 成長 心理學 思維 自我修養 教育 自我管理 職場 思想
為什麼為什麼不早點看 這麼多人推薦~ 如果一輩子隻能選一本 現在的我應該會選這本。invaluable lesson for life's task.這本書得花一輩子慢慢看。光是要找到這個聲音就會花很久。大師怎麼可能速成。
評分個人感覺這本比George Leonard的那本mastery好多瞭,可能是因為適閤我讀吧,斷斷續續讀瞭兩個月,期間都沒看其他書。有時間的話重讀一遍,或者再看下作者的其他書。
評分個人感覺這本比George Leonard的那本mastery好多瞭,可能是因為適閤我讀吧,斷斷續續讀瞭兩個月,期間都沒看其他書。有時間的話重讀一遍,或者再看下作者的其他書。
評分中心思想很正能量。It takes time, patience, practice and thoughts to achieve mastery.
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