蔣中一(Alpha C.Chiang),美國康涅狄格大學榮譽教授。
數理經濟學的基本方法 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
這本書還是非常好的,基本上高中生水平就能開始看瞭,但要理解還是要花費一點功夫的。 對於經濟學研究生,特彆是研究方嚮稍微偏嚮數理,以及數學基礎不太好的朋友(比如我)來說,至少這本書看懂瞭基本可以上手羅默的《高級宏觀經濟學》,我覺得這本書裏麵關於差分方程和相圖的...
評分It could be used to undergraduate text, or graduate review book, since the level is a bit lower. However, the author is very good at organizing material. Each part is started with an intuitive instruction and is closed with conclusion part which states the...
評分嗯……大四學渣上數理經濟學的參考教材……可以說把涉及到的基礎的數學知識都比較囉嗦、但簡明地介紹瞭一遍……但真的不能寫成數學附錄的形式麼。我真的覺得這本書,超級囉嗦、思路超級不經濟學……【但我也不敢說自己學會瞭23333 前提補充是:綫代我已經忘得差不多瞭,然而剛...
評分It could be used to undergraduate text, or graduate review book, since the level is a bit lower. However, the author is very good at organizing material. Each part is started with an intuitive instruction and is closed with conclusion part which states the...
評分It could be used to undergraduate text, or graduate review book, since the level is a bit lower. However, the author is very good at organizing material. Each part is started with an intuitive instruction and is closed with conclusion part which states the...
圖書標籤: 經濟學 數理經濟學 數學 蔣中一 經濟 教材 經濟數理基礎 經濟數學
數理經濟學的基本方法 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載