I work at Google; my academic training was in Computer Science (S.B. and M.Eng. from MIT, Ph.D. from Stanford).
I wrote The Ph.D. Grind immediately after finishing my Ph.D., which is the ideal time for such a memoir. In contrast, current Ph.D. students cannot reflect on the entirety of their experiences like I can, and senior researchers who attempt to reflect back on their Ph.D. years might suffer from selective hindsight.
The Ph.D. Grind 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
一位斯坦福大学的博士求学生涯,足足能吊起我这种second tier大学PhD的兴趣。 Overview Guo以他平实的语言,向我们展示了他平实的博士六年。其实,他六年过得并没有我们想像中牛人那么顺利,并略有一点付出小于回报的感觉。前三年guo是处在对老板的方向的纠结中,一方面是老板...
评分这几天快读完了《The Ph.D. Grind》, 感触挺多的。(特别是刚才去跑步的时候,想法很多,可是回来后似乎又忘了很多,还是先记下了,能记多少是多少,以后想起来再补充。) 有下面几个想法: 1. 阅读这类个人总结的书籍,比读名人(如盖茨和乔布斯)传记要实用的多。一方面,...
评分想起还没有记录一个月前读的这本 The Ph.D. Grind,前几年在圈内很火的一本书。也能找到网友翻的中译本和许多书评。 篇幅很小,大概就是一个CS Ph.D. 碎碎念叨他痛苦但又有很有收获的六年博士生涯。但,如同作者Philip Guo本人说的,他的经验对于不同专业或非攻博人士亦能有所...
评分一位斯坦福大学的博士求学生涯,足足能吊起我这种second tier大学PhD的兴趣。 Overview Guo以他平实的语言,向我们展示了他平实的博士六年。其实,他六年过得并没有我们想像中牛人那么顺利,并略有一点付出小于回报的感觉。前三年guo是处在对老板的方向的纠结中,一方面是老板...
评分对一本书来说,最大的褒奖莫过于在读完之后让人觉得:为什么自己没有写出一本这样的书。 这本书的作者 Philip Guo 是一个平凡而典型的理科博士。他出生在重视教育的华人知识分子家庭,在 MIT 读完了本科来到斯坦福念计算机博士。对不熟悉美国研究生教育环境的人来说这听起来似...
图书标签: PhD 学术 传记 美国 方法论 计算机 ComputerScience Biography
This book chronicles my six years of working towards a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Stanford University from 2006 to 2012. A diverse variety of people can benefit from reading it, including:
undergraduates who might be interested in pursuing a Ph.D.,
current Ph.D. students who are seeking guidance or inspiration,
professors who want to better understand Ph.D. students,
employers who hire and manage people with Ph.D. degrees,
professionals working in any creative or competitive field where self-driven initiative is crucial,
and educated adults (or precocious kids) who are curious about how academic research is produced.
评分没想到2013年读完的第一本英文书竟是Philip Guo的The Ph.D Grind,作者写到自己决定离开学术界时说:“the funding cycle never ends”,实际上于我而言,则是“the grind time also never ends”. PG大神或许想不到,他写下的这段经历是如何给一个陌生的姑娘以勇气和力量——就像是Year 4的标题那样,It's time for me to reboot.
The Ph.D. Grind 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书