Marc Morris is an historian and broadcaster. He studied and taught history at the universities of London and Oxford, and his doctorate on the thirteenth-century earls of Norfolk was published in 2005. In 2003 he presented the highly-acclaimed television series Castle, and wrote its accompanying book. Following the success of his biography of King Edward I (A Great and Terrible King, 2008), he is now writing a new history of the Norman Conquest.
Beginning with their introduction in the eleventh century, and ending with their widespread abandonment in the seventeenth, Marc Morris explores many of the country's most famous castles, as well as some spectacular lesser-known examples. At times this is an epic tale, driven by characters like William the Conqueror, King John and Edward I, full of sieges and conquest on an awesome scale. But it is also by turns an intimate story of less eminent individuals, whose adventures, struggles and ambitions were reflected in the fortified residences they constructed. Be it ever so grand or ever so humble, a castle was first and foremost a home. To understand castles - who built them, who lived in them, and why - is to understand the forces that shaped medieval Britain.
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倫敦塔、卡納芬城堡、愛丁堡、斯特靈城堡、拉格倫城堡……這些耳熟能詳的名字總會齣現在——不不,當然不是什麼建築教科書裏,而是幾乎所有的英國旅行攻略中。 去老北京,就得逛逛鬍同和四閤院;去江南,得看小橋流水的園林;去日本,必定有幾張神社門口赤紅高大的鳥居照片;去...
評分 評分我很喜歡《城堡的故事》這本書,可能是因為我很喜歡城堡有關。在中國少見這種巨大的使用石頭製造建築物,中國古代建築物大多是木製,因此從來都不算高,看上去難說雄偉。 中世紀的城堡擁有一種獨特的浪漫氣氛,總覺得與騎士公主相關。但是在我們大多是在影視作品中看到的城堡,...
評分 評分說道城堡,人們海裏最先齣現的應該莫過於童話故事裏的情節瞭,王子與公主的故事,公主與貧民的故事,美輪美奐的城堡似乎在全世界的兒童心中早早紮下瞭根,一座座美麗的城堡藏著一個個美麗的童話故事,寄托著一個個美好的心願。這一本由中世紀史學傢馬剋·莫裏斯撰寫的《城堡的...
圖書標籤: 社科 歐洲 城堡 曆史 中世紀 history
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