W. Richard Stevens was an acknowledged UNIX and networking expert and the highly-respected author of several books. He was also a sought-after instructor and consultant.
Stephen A. Rago, one of the developers of UNIX System V Release 4, is currently a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Crosstor, a company created by former Bell Labs employees to develop system components and enhancements for UNIX and other systems.
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, 3rd Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
虽然作者不幸离开了我们,虽然是本讲述Unix而不是Linux编程环境的书,虽然是一本有点历史的书。但是任何希望对Unix/Linux系统有进一步的了解的人不能不读这本书。 纷繁复杂的Unix系统,在作者手下,若庖丁解牛,娓娓道来。同时,本书的翻译也颇为到位,技术名词准确,文章也没...
评分所有程序都在四个UNIX平台下测试过,兼容性不用多说! 讲述的内容非常全面,原理讲得很透彻。每读完一章都有很多收获。 对于有经验的程序员,拿来做参看书也很合适。 可惜的是linux内核版本是2.4的。 最后章实现了一个小型的数据库,有空细细拜读!!
评分UNIX编程环境设计到技术方向非常多,没有一个线索指引的话,很难一窥全貌;APUE就是这样一本书,按着作者设定好的章节,可以一步一步窥探UNIX系统的全貌。在一个Linux环境上,一边读书,一边实验思考,一件挺好玩儿挺有收获的事儿。 对我来说,这本书还有一个好处,就是章节比...
评分这本书非常全面又系统的介绍了Unix/linux下libc的主要接口以及*nix各种标准的实现。和现在在用的标准相比比较老,不过其中绝大部分的东西都可以重用。 建议一边看这本书一边用man 查看系统中相应的接口的用法。当然也可以直接阅读glibc的手册,手册的信息也非常好。
评分看了前7章都还翻译的可以,基本上意思都对了,语言也通顺,还能用一些本土化的语言,很不错。 第8章就有些差劲,有些地方词不达意,还喜欢自作聪明的加括号做解释,搞得更看不明白了。回头看看原文,确是很明白的意思。
图书标签: Linux/Unix Unix Programming C 编程 Linux 计算机 unix
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment is a classic text describing the programming interface to UNIX Systems. The third edition updates the material to conform to Version 4 of the Single UNIX Specification and provides examples based on four contemporary systems: FreeBSD 8.0, Linux 2.6.35, Mac OS X 10.6.7, and Solaris 10. Changes from the second edition include the removal of obsolete information and the addition of more than 70 new functions. In total, more than 450 function interfaces are presented. The authors go further than merely describing the interfaces; they illustrate how they should be used and provide insight on why things are the way they are. Topics include standards, file I/O, directory handling, processes, threads, inter-process communication, signals, network communication, and terminal handling. The book contains many small source code examples written in C, as well as several chapters that provide in-depth studies of larger examples. Regardless of what UNIX System you run, this book will help you master the subtleties of writing programs to make the most of your system.
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Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, 3rd Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书