This is the "Penguin English Library Edition" of "Where Angels Fear to Tread" by E. M. Forster. 'I had got an idea that everyone here spent their lives in making little sacrifices for objects they didn't care for, to please people they didn't love; that they never learned to be sincere - and, what's as bad, never learned how to enjoy themselves'. E. M. Forster's first novel is a witty comedy of manners that is tinged with tragedy. It tells the story of Lilia Herriton, who proves to be an embarrassment to her late husband's family as, in the small Tuscan town of Monteriano, she begins a relationship with a much younger Italian man - classless, uncouth and highly unsuitable. A subtle attack on decorous Edwardian values and a humanely sympathetic portrayal of the clash of two cultures, "Where Angels Fear to Tread" is also a profound exploration of character and virtue. "The Penguin English Library" contains 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
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看完後再迴頭看的前言,卻令我非常驚訝:作者跟我看的仿佛是兩個故事。 兩個死亡事件在我看來根本不是小說的重點。對福斯特來說,“事件”從來不是重點,事件隻是聚點,重要的是通過這個點來展示背後扭結的文化問題以及身處其間的個人的睏惑。這部小說的重點是展示英國保守狹隘...
評分 評分書不長,很吸引人,兩天就看完瞭。英國的拘謹和刻闆,意大利的美與生機,兩種文化形成瞭鮮明的對比。 假如一開始是阿博特小姐嫁給吉諾,也許就不會有悲劇的發生瞭,結局會很好多,她清楚得看透吉諾的本來麵目——不過是一個有著男人力氣與激情的小男孩而已。可惜世界上沒有如果...
評分兩齣悲劇:一個女人掙脫故鄉刻闆的倫理道德規範的精神壓抑約束,卻死於對異域少年盲目而匆忙的浪漫愛情幻想;一個嬰兒死於北方國度對南方國度的偏見和歧視。刻闆無趣的英倫與浪漫奔放的意大利之間的文化碰撞,兩種價值觀的較量,最終沒有勝負。 另一個女人又重蹈死去的女人的覆...
圖書標籤: 福斯特
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