威爾・杜蘭特,是普利策奬花瞭50多年的時間完成瞭廣受好評的重要著作:11捲本的《世界文明史》。他92歲時,還創作瞭《曆史上的英雄》,這是他輝煌一生的最後作品。他的《哲學的故事》旨在讓更多人瞭解哲學。 終其一生,杜蘭特都熱情地緻力於將哲學從學術的象牙塔中解放齣來,讓它進入更多普通人的生活。在人類情誼和社會改革等齣版物普遍流行之前,杜蘭特就是這類著述的倡導者。通過自己的作品,杜蘭特使全世界範圍內的讀者不斷得到愉悅,也受到教益,使上百萬人的生活更豐富,也使人們更寬容。
A wise and witty compendium of the greatest thoughts, greatest minds, and greatest books of all time -- listed in accessible and succinct form -- by one of the world's greatest scholars. From the "Hundred Best Books" to the "Ten Greatest Thinkers" to the "Ten Greatest Poets," here is a concise collection of the world's most significant knowledge. For the better part of a century, Will Durant dwelled upon -- and wrote about -- the most significant eras, individuals, and achievements of human history. His selections have finally been brought together in a single, compact volume. Durant eloquently defends his choices of the greatest minds and ideas, but he also stimulates readers into forming their own opinions, encouraging them to shed their surroundings and biases and enter "The Country of the Mind," a timeless realm where the heroes of our species dwell. From a thinker who always chose to exalt the positive in the human species, The Greatest Minds and Ideas of All Time stays true to Durant's optimism. This is a book containing the absolute best of our heritage, passed on for the benefit of future generations. Filled with Durant's renowned wit, knowledge, and unique ability to explain events and ideas in simple and exciting terms, this is a pocket-size liberal arts and humanist curriculum in one volume.
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二八定律是19世紀末20世紀初意大利經濟學傢帕纍托發現的。他認為,在任何一組東西中,最重要的隻占其中一小部分,約20%,其餘80%盡管是多數,卻是次要的,因此又稱二八定律。 二八法則,在思想界同樣存在。 這就是曆史上最偉大的思想英雄;1.孔子2. 柏拉圖3. 亞裏士多德4.聖...
評分二八定律是19世紀末20世紀初意大利經濟學傢帕纍托發現的。他認為,在任何一組東西中,最重要的隻占其中一小部分,約20%,其餘80%盡管是多數,卻是次要的,因此又稱二八定律。 二八法則,在思想界同樣存在。 這就是曆史上最偉大的思想英雄;1.孔子2. 柏拉圖3. 亞裏士多德4.聖...
評分排除所有諂媚作者是如何傑齣的言論,單說這本已深藏玄客軒多年,若不是整理書櫃被此書砸到腦袋,我也不會“牛頓般”醍醐灌頂一下,寫點感觸。 當初2004年剛考上大學,我提前開學一個月就已經到瞭北京,其實以遊玩為主。經傢父引領,去拜訪孫長江教授(當年《實踐是檢驗真理的...
評分排除所有諂媚作者是如何傑齣的言論,單說這本已深藏玄客軒多年,若不是整理書櫃被此書砸到腦袋,我也不會“牛頓般”醍醐灌頂一下,寫點感觸。 當初2004年剛考上大學,我提前開學一個月就已經到瞭北京,其實以遊玩為主。經傢父引領,去拜訪孫長江教授(當年《實踐是檢驗真理的...
圖書標籤: 哲學 曆史 文化 英文 教育 self development History
the strongest voice in the most beautiful language
評分"If a man is fortunate he will, before he dies, gather up as much as he can of his civilized heritage and transmit it to his children.And to his final breath he will be grateful for this inexhaustible legacy, knowing that it is our nourishing mother and our lasting life."
評分"If a man is fortunate he will, before he dies, gather up as much as he can of his civilized heritage and transmit it to his children.And to his final breath he will be grateful for this inexhaustible legacy, knowing that it is our nourishing mother and our lasting life."
評分"If a man is fortunate he will, before he dies, gather up as much as he can of his civilized heritage and transmit it to his children.And to his final breath he will be grateful for this inexhaustible legacy, knowing that it is our nourishing mother and our lasting life."
評分the strongest voice in the most beautiful language
The Greatest Minds and Ideas of All Time 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載