菲利普•普尔曼(Philip Pullman, 1946- ),英国当代著名作家,毕业于牛津大学,曾任教威斯敏斯特大学。
His Dark Materials 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
《黑暗物质三部曲》是一套由英国作家菲利普·普尔曼创作的奇幻小说,已被翻译20多种语言出版,销量超过一千万套。同名英剧于今年11月3日在英国上映。 主角莱拉生活在一个奇幻的世界,那里人的灵魂是以动物形式存在的精灵。 莱拉本来无忧无虑地生活在牛津大学里,直到有一天,她...
评分《黑暗物质三部曲》是一套由英国作家菲利普·普尔曼创作的奇幻小说,已被翻译20多种语言出版,销量超过一千万套。同名英剧于今年11月3日在英国上映。 主角莱拉生活在一个奇幻的世界,那里人的灵魂是以动物形式存在的精灵。 莱拉本来无忧无虑地生活在牛津大学里,直到有一天,她...
评分《黑暗物质三部曲》是一套由英国作家菲利普·普尔曼创作的奇幻小说,已被翻译20多种语言出版,销量超过一千万套。同名英剧于今年11月3日在英国上映。 主角莱拉生活在一个奇幻的世界,那里人的灵魂是以动物形式存在的精灵。 莱拉本来无忧无虑地生活在牛津大学里,直到有一天,她...
评分不能因为《黄金罗盘》拍了电影,就把一部的名字变成了三部曲的名字了吧?要知道,英国版的第一部,甚至不叫《黄金罗盘》呢 刚刚开始看,英文很晓畅,没什么特别难懂的地方
评分不能因为《黄金罗盘》拍了电影,就把一部的名字变成了三部曲的名字了吧?要知道,英国版的第一部,甚至不叫《黄金罗盘》呢 刚刚开始看,英文很晓畅,没什么特别难懂的地方
图书标签: His-Dark-Materials 科幻 魔幻 小说 英文原版 fiction 幻想 外国文学
Published in 40 countries, Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy – The Golden Compass , The Subtle Knife , and The Amber Spyglass – has graced the New York Times , Wall Street Journal , San Francisco Chronicle , Book Sense , and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists.
The Golden Compass forms the first part of a story in three volumes. The first volume is set in a world like ours, but different in many ways. The second volume is set partly in the world we know. The third moves between many worlds.
In The Golden Compass, readers meet 11-year-old Lyra Belacqua, a precocious orphan growing up within the precincts of Jordan College in Oxford, England. It quickly becomes clear that Lyra's Oxford is not precisely like our own—nor is her world. In Lyra's world, everyone has a personal dæmon, a lifelong animal familiar. This is a world in which science, theology and magic are closely intertwined.
The Subtle Knife is the second part of the trilogy that began with The Golden Compass . That first book was set in a world like ours, but different. This book begins in our own world.
In The Subtle Knife, readers are introduced to Will Parry, a young boy living in modern-day Oxford, England. Will is only twelve years old, but he bears the responsibilities of an adult. Following the disappearance of his explorer-father, John Parry, during an expedition in the North, Will became parent, provider and protector to his frail, confused mother. And it's in protecting her that he becomes a murderer, too: he accidentally kills a man who breaks into their home to steal valuable letters written by John Parry. After placing his mother in the care of a kind friend, Will takes those letters and sets off to discover the truth about his father.
The Amber Spyglass brings the intrigue of The Golden Compass and The Subtle Knife to a heartstopping close, marking the third and final volume as the most powerful of the trilogy. Along with the return of Lyra, Will, Mrs. Coulter, Lord Asriel, Dr. Mary Malone, and Iorek Byrnison the armored bear, The Amber Spyglass introduces a host of new characters: the Mulefa, mysterious wheeled creatures with the power to see Dust; Gallivespian Lord Roke, a hand-high spy-master to Lord Asriel; and Metatron, a fierce and mighty angel. And this final volume brings startling revelations, too: the painful price Lyra must pay to walk through the land of the dead, the haunting power of Dr. Malone's amber spyglass, and the names of who will live—and who will die—for love. And all the while, war rages with the Kingdom of Heaven, a brutal battle that—in its shocking outcome—will reveal the secret of Dust.
(2020.01) 看完原著感觉可能没法看下一季剧了- - 剧里感觉逻辑不顺的地方,果然还是过于rush了,书里还是很合理的。剧里相对比较好的可能是更早引入了另一个世界的故事。应该会先看第二季的书再决定要不要看剧。
评分Wonderful adventures! Love is the only unbreakable thing in this world.
评分不错的fantasy novel(中文应该是魔幻小说?)。虽然被归为“儿童书籍”,但很有思想深度,其实更适合成年人。唯一的美中不足是结局太仓促,有虎头蛇尾的感觉。
评分Philip pullman 老师的作品真的很适合用来练阅读!专四背的好多单词又出现啦!剧情很精彩!但是结尾的牛津之约好失望喔!而且对那个预言也很懵里懵懂(/ω\)
His Dark Materials 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书