Friedrich Hayek 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
很遗憾,没有读完。这是第二次借阅了,第一次借阅的时候完全读不下去,里面涉及了一些社会心理学,伦理学,经济学,政治经济学等专业知识。第二次未阅完是因为时间限制的关系,看来还得三顾茅庐啊。 这次经过了如此强烈的理论的洗礼,心智也长了。哈耶克不愧是一位经济大师,但...
评分 评分自由主义这么简单的道理在当时,特别是社会主义盛行的时候给了人们更多的选择。当纳粹被痛击之后,世界开始分化,事实证明,自由主义大获全胜。即使现在有的国家还高举社会主义的大旗,但根基早已动摇。在法律的框架下,给予市场最大的自由度。当然,法律的制定源于政治制度,...
评分如今,不精通数学想获诺贝尔经济学奖,已经比登天还难。 哈耶克不懂,但得了,说明他是一位真正的思想家。 哈耶克开始思考的时候,社会主义如日中天,前苏联打赢了二战,英国大规模国有化。哈耶克却在从理论上证明社会主义为什么不可能。在与凯恩斯等主流经济学家的论战中败得...
评分图书标签: Hayek 传记 libertarianism 历史 传记掌故 人物 英文原版 传记掌故和随笔
The once commonly held idea that central direction of the economy by the government is a more efficient and fair method to allocate resources than a free market is now almost universally discredited, in no small part due to the works of Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992). In the first full biography of this visionary thinker, Alan Ebenstein chronicles Hayek's life, works and legacy from his early years in fin-de-siecle Vienna to his career as a Nobel Prize-winning economist, political philosopher and leading public intellectual. Providing in-depth, critical and accessible accounts of Hayek's major works and how they came to be written, Ebenstein gives us a much richer understanding of the personal, historical and intellectual circumstances surrounding such classics as "The Road to Serfdom", "Law, Legislation and Liberty" and "The Fatal Conceit". In so doing he sheds new light on Hayek's risky, often lonely, but ultimately triumphant struggle to alert the world to the economic and political dangers of classical socialism and the virtues of free markets, free ideas and free societies.
Friedrich Hayek 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书