约翰•H. 阿诺德 东安格利亚大学历史教师,主要研究方向是中世纪史和历史哲学。
History 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
文/吴情 最近一段时间,中国电视荧屏上经常能看见古装剧的身影,从《锦绣未央》到《大唐荣耀》,再到《三生三世十里桃花》,都取得了不错的收视率。往前追溯,还可以在历史题材电视剧的长名单中加上《甄嬛传》、《雍正王朝》、《孝庄秘史》、《铁齿铜牙纪晓岚》、《宰相刘罗锅...
评分文/吴情 最近一段时间,中国电视荧屏上经常能看见古装剧的身影,从《锦绣未央》到《大唐荣耀》,再到《三生三世十里桃花》,都取得了不错的收视率。往前追溯,还可以在历史题材电视剧的长名单中加上《甄嬛传》、《雍正王朝》、《孝庄秘史》、《铁齿铜牙纪晓岚》、《宰相刘罗锅...
评分 评分 评分历史不可能完全重现过去。 因此,问题是: 1、历史应当挑选哪些过去的事件进行研究? 2、被挑选的事件是否有证据支撑,不需要主观的解释? 3、事件与事件之间的因果联系是否准确? 4、谁来挑选事件? 5、以何种标准挑选事件?或者说,哪些事件会被写进历史书中? 6、谁...
图书标签: 历史 VSI 英文原版 English 英文原著 history 通识 英文
There are many stories we can tell about the past, and we are not, perhaps, as free as we might imagine in our choice of which stories to tell, or where those stories end. John Arnold's Very Short Introduction is a stimulating essay about how we study and understand history. The book begins by inviting us to think about various questions provoked by our investigation of history, and explores the ways these questions have been answered in the past. Concepts such as causation, interpretation, and periodization, are introduced by means of concrete examples of how historians work, giving the reader a sense of the excitement of discovering not only the past, but also ourselves.
评分The book is so enjoyable that I suspect I shouldn't be reading it at all.
评分The history is an argument, and arguments present the opportunity for change.
History 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书