为躁郁症正名的医界英雄。从15岁躁郁症初次来袭,到如今的世界级权威地位,杰米森用自己的努力,为更多躁郁症甚至精神疾病患者赢得了关注和理解,将"疯子"的铭牌从精神疾病的大理石墙面上敲凿下来。“无论结果如何,大声疾呼都比继续保持沉默更好!” 因为杰米森的勇气与坚持,不仅可以帮助病患正确看待自己,还极大地改变了整个社会对心理病患持有的偏见,掀起了一次超越偏见、接纳心理病患的浪潮,更推动美国国会立法实现了心理病患的保险平权制度。
An Unquiet Mind 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分Before I can name these passengers who are together riding my life with me, I want to thank them for bringing me the brightest side of this world, along with the darkest side of life. Without the phase of struggling, I wouldn't be able to see sparks and lig...
评分This is by far the most inspiring book I've ever read. Starting with a firsthand account of the holocaust, and finishing with a psychoytical approach to the suffering which took place there, Frankl shows his ability to objectively yse and draw conslusions f...
评分This is by far the most inspiring book I've ever read. Starting with a firsthand account of the holocaust, and finishing with a psychoytical approach to the suffering which took place there, Frankl shows his ability to objectively yse and draw conslusions f...
评分在<An Unquiet Mind>中,Jay讲了自己在UCLA本科生时辅导盲人学生统计学的一个故事。她和盲人学生关系密切,也经常听他讲作为一个盲人在大学中遇到的困难、对他人的依赖,渐渐地认为自己对盲人的生活有所了解。直到有一次,她应盲人学生的要求在盲人图书馆内为他辅导,而不是她...
图书标签: 心理学 psychology 美国 depression 英文 精神疾病回忆录 bipolar 李欣频荐
The personal memoir of a manic depressive and an authority on the subject describes the onset of the illness during her teenage years and her determined journey through the realm of available treatments. Reprint. 125,000 first printing. NYT.
We get that you are bipolar, but when are you gonna deal with your narcissism?
评分We get that you are bipolar, but when are you gonna deal with your narcissism?
评分关于bipolar disorder。“Because of this, there is now, for me, a rather bittersweet exchange of a comfortable and settled present existence for a troubled but intensely lived past.”
评分From the inside..."You have understood at all." 描述感人,真实,震撼。从此不敢学心理了。
评分We get that you are bipolar, but when are you gonna deal with your narcissism?
An Unquiet Mind 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书