Cynthia Freeland,休斯敦大學哲學教授。在古希臘哲學、電影藝術及女性主義方麵多有著述,著有《裸與不死——邪惡與恐懼的誘惑》,並與他人閤編有《哲學與電影》。
In today's art world many strange, even shocking, things qualify as art. In this book, Cynthia Freeland explains why innovation and controversy are valued in the arts, weaving together philosophy and art theory with many fascinating examples. She discusses blood, beauty, culture, money, museums, sex, and politics, clarifying contemporary and historical accounts of the nature, function, and interpretation of the arts. Freeland also propels us into the future by surveying cutting-edge web sites, along with the latest research on the brain's role in perceiving art. This clear, provocative book engages with the big debates surrounding our responses to art and is an invaluable introduction to anyone interested in thinking about art.
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搬運自英文版的“future reading”部分。 第一章 Thomas McEvilley關於藝術的儀式理論: [Sculpture in the Age of Doubt (Aesthetics Today)] Clement Greenberg的觀點: [Art and Culture] 關於NEA的辯論: [Culture Wars] 關於Goya: [Goya] 第二章 關於戲劇: [Plato: Repu...
評分【柏拉圖與亞裏士多德】 “美學”(aesthetics)這一術語來自希臘語中錶示感覺、感知的詞 aisthesis。 柏拉圖人為模仿藝術是對模仿理念的事物的模仿,亦即“模仿的模仿” 。悲劇,會使觀眾的價值觀産生混亂,讓他們認為美德不總是獲得奬賞 ,因而應該從理想國中排除齣去(...
評分This is one of my favorite books on art theory. The author explained the controversy in art through a simple and comprehensive manner. Contrast to other "boring and daunting" books about the subject, this book is easy to read (with very little art jargon)...
評分這本小書讀瞭幾天,很好讀,條理清晰,譯文流暢。邊讀邊做瞭一點筆記,算是理清一點思路。 通過考察當代藝術,將其放在任一美學理論當中,再追溯其在藝術史中先例,從而對其做齣解釋,到底什麼是藝術?藝術理論是否普遍適用?怎樣運用理論來解釋難以解釋的作品?“這種相應的‘...
評分This is one of my favorite books on art theory. The author explained the controversy in art through a simple and comprehensive manner. Contrast to other "boring and daunting" books about the subject, this book is easy to read (with very little art jargon)...
圖書標籤: 藝術理論 藝術 美學 文化 原版 Philosophy 入門 非小說類
評分哲學係關於美學的綜述還是很可讀的(柏拉圖/休謨/康德/尼采/佛洛依德),神經認知部分我就笑笑不說話,性彆影響有爭議的點很多,金錢與市場一章感覺有點跑偏。Art theory真是讀的越多越束手束腳...
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