Cynthia Freeland,休斯敦大学哲学教授。在古希腊哲学、电影艺术及女性主义方面多有著述,著有《裸与不死——邪恶与恐惧的诱惑》,并与他人合编有《哲学与电影》。
But Is It Art? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
【柏拉图与亚里士多德】 “美学”(aesthetics)这一术语来自希腊语中表示感觉、感知的词 aisthesis。 柏拉图人为模仿艺术是对模仿理念的事物的模仿,亦即“模仿的模仿” 。悲剧,会使观众的价值观产生混乱,让他们认为美德不总是获得奖赏 ,因而应该从理想国中排除出去(...
评分【柏拉图与亚里士多德】 “美学”(aesthetics)这一术语来自希腊语中表示感觉、感知的词 aisthesis。 柏拉图人为模仿艺术是对模仿理念的事物的模仿,亦即“模仿的模仿” 。悲剧,会使观众的价值观产生混乱,让他们认为美德不总是获得奖赏 ,因而应该从理想国中排除出去(...
评分通读下来给我最大的启发的不是作者深入浅出的对艺术含义和发展在为数众多的层面上的探讨,也不是不以时间线为限制而是通过各自立意独道的小标题带领堵住领略艺术的精妙所在,而是弗里兰做学术的方式。 上至殿堂下至民间,到过世界很多地方,演讲,参观,探索,发现。同时也涉...
图书标签: 艺术理论 艺术 美学 文化 原版 Philosophy 入门 非小说类
In today's art world many strange, even shocking, things qualify as art. In this book, Cynthia Freeland explains why innovation and controversy are valued in the arts, weaving together philosophy and art theory with many fascinating examples. She discusses blood, beauty, culture, money, museums, sex, and politics, clarifying contemporary and historical accounts of the nature, function, and interpretation of the arts. Freeland also propels us into the future by surveying cutting-edge web sites, along with the latest research on the brain's role in perceiving art. This clear, provocative book engages with the big debates surrounding our responses to art and is an invaluable introduction to anyone interested in thinking about art.
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But Is It Art? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书