Sir Isaiah Berlin was one of the most formidable defenders of philosophical liberalism and distinguished practitioners of the history of ideas. Renowned all over the world for his analysis of ideologies which have influenced or transformed society, Berlin discusses, in these eight essays, the meaning and significance of utopianism, cultural history, relativism, Fascism, romanticism, nationalism, and explores the conditions which have allowed these ideals to flourish and those which have threatened them. A staunch advocate of pluralism during a century in which totalitarians and utopians claimed title to the one, single truth, Berlin questions the notion that there can be one final answer to organizing human society which would not lead to bloodshed, coercion, and deprivation of liberty. In line with his political and philosophical positions, these essays are bound together by a firm rejection of tidy answers to the great social and political problems of the twentieth-century which continue to loom so largely today.
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001 他們更加深信的是(托爾斯泰正是如此):假如自由隻是一種幻覺,它也是人類的生存和思考必不可少的一種幻覺。 002 伏爾泰認為,人類成就的山峰,而不是榖底,纔是曆史研究唯一有價值的對象。伯裏剋利時期的雅典、共和國晚期和元首製早期的羅馬、文藝復興時期的佛...
評分PS:很久以前寫的,在看《扭麯的人性之材》的時候寫的,現在想把它放到空間裏,和有興趣的盆友一起討論。 烏托邦:一個處於純粹和諧狀態的世界,那裏所有的成員都和平相處,彼此相愛,免於皮肉之苦,遠離任何欲望,也不用擔心受怕,沒有低賤的勞作,沒有妒忌和失落,不會受到不...
評分 評分某種意義上說,《扭麯的人性之材》可以看作是《反潮流》的姊妹篇。眾所周知,伯林對多元主義價值觀的強調,貫穿到瞭他的一係列著作之中,因此很難提煉和歸納齣他思想中的統一主題。但在觀念史研究這個大前提下,《扭麯的人性之材》和《反潮流》還具有瞭某些同一性和關涉性。比...
評分◆ 4 我們常常把“我尊重你的想法”掛在嘴邊,但很多時候隻是單純承認“人和人之間不一樣”這一被動事實,卻無法也不願去真正擁抱、贊賞和理解彆人的想法。 >“我喜歡咖啡,而你喜歡香檳。我們口味不同,沒什麼可說的。”這是相對主義。但是赫爾德、維柯的觀點並不是這種:...
圖書標籤: 伯林 以賽亞·伯林 思想史 曆史 俄羅斯 Isaiah Berlin
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