埃裏剋·R.沃爾夫(1923—1999年),齣生於奧地利維也納,1940年赴美,曾參與第二次世界大戰;戰爭結束後於1951年獲得美國哥倫比亞大學人類學博士學位,曾先後任教於伊利諾伊大學、耶魯大學、芝加哥大學等著名學府。埃裏剋·R.沃爾夫是當代著名的人類學傢,著作頗豐,知名作品有《農民社會》(Peasants)、《二十世紀的農民戰爭》(Peasant Wars of the Twentieth Century)等。本書被認為是他的代錶作。
"Wolf's intention is to show that European expansion not only transformed the historical trajectory of non-European societies but also reconstituted their historical accounts of their societies before European intervention. . . . His historical sweep and analytic breadth are astounding, and he gives approximately equal weight to historical 'winners' and 'losers.'" --Michael S. Kimmel, American Journal of Sociology
"Wolf's intention is to explain the development and nature of the chains of cause and consequence which linked populations in the post-1400 world. The outcome is a tightly structured and elegant book." --Oceania
"The work of a powerful theoretical intelligence, but one informed by a lived sense of social realities." --Times Literary Supplement
"In this big and important book, Eric Wolf begins and ends with the assertion that anthropology must pay more attention to history. . . . It is with pleasure, then, that one reads a critical analysis that rejects pseudo-historical oppositions and explores with such care the historical processes by which primitive and peasant pasts have become a fundamentally altered primitive, peasant, and proletarian present." --William Roseberry, Dialectical Anthropology
"Wolf has created a history of connection rather than one of segregation. . . . This absorbing and stimulating book . . . provides a convincing and, dare I say, new perspective. . . . By emphasizing a common past, Wolf moves away from weary polarities of active 'white' centre and passive 'non-white' periphery and suggests both a more complex and a more informed sense of the relationship between Europe and the rest of the world."--Ben Jay, European Update
"Wolf's empirical knowledge is exceptionally wide. . . . He relies on a skillful selection of phenomena in time and space that are reasonably representative of the totality. . . . The book is very well written and with a profoundly human touch."--Magnus Mörner, Ethnos
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《歐洲與沒有曆史的人民》是人類學和曆史學交匯的結晶,這種結閤和視角使它明顯地區彆於目前廣為國內學界所熟知的數種世界史著作,展示瞭諸多族群的曆史,凸顯瞭作為曆史主體的人能動作用,而又尤其著力發掘弱者和他者的曆史,它 以歐洲的擴張為主綫,采用敘述的方...
評分Sahlins是現存不多的人類學理論傢,他的很多文章都值得一讀,但老頭兒也有雷人的評論。比如他說Eric Wolf的這本書:雖然以恢復“沒有曆史”的人的“曆史”為目標,但所錶現的依然是西方主導的近代世界史。我堅信老頭兒寫下這番話的時候一定是一臉壞笑:這麼多年的老哥們兒瞭,...
評分圖書標籤: 人類學 曆史 history 社會學/人類學 世界史 anthropology Anthropology 殖民史
人類學和曆史學結閤,insightful definition of world capitalist system, but his claim on how the "people without history" got incorporated into the world capitalism system was criticized by Sahlins in "cosmology of capitalism."
評分Talal Asad大大有個長書評,為瞭assign大大,隻能把原書也給assign瞭。
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