[美]娜塔莉·戈德堡(Natalie Goldberg)
Writing Down the Bones 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
对于任何一个有阅读习惯的人而言,我相信,有一部分书,他会走马观花,囫囵吞枣地读。还有一部分书,他则会每隔一段时间重读一次,细细研究和思考。于我而言,《写出我心》这本书则属于后者。 第一次读这本书,是在四年前,那时书名还叫着《再活一次》,过了一年,我再读了一...
评分关于《写出我心》翻译:【大陆版1万字“补译”背后的故事】: 待我写出前世今生,姑娘卖译不卖身可好? @袁小茶-卖译不卖身 〇:关于大陆版1万字“补译”是怎么回事 这书原是一个美国人在30年前写的,后来入选了美国高中写作课教材。因为有台湾版翻译,但我的好朋友(本书责...
评分 评分在书店里快速阅读完之后决定买下它。 是的。它教我们用“写作”的方式禅修,关注自己的内心。 写作这两个字可以替换成其他:比如吹尺八。据说尺八本就是用来禅修的。比如弹古琴,练瑜珈,画画,跳舞,烹饪,长跑,养花,铸剑……所有你可以想到做到的事情。 ...
评分写点什么确实能带来心灵的一次洗涤,不论是各式笔尖疾飞在白纸上还是各种输入法下的显示屏。每当开始写的时候,总是在想,什么才是自己想要表达的,神迷才能言归正传的开场,优美的华丽的转过开始的迷茫,让文字逐渐清晰而不那么突兀。娜塔莉大概一开始也是这样吧~ 删...
图书标签: Writing 教育 写作 英文写作 禅 生活 散文 RPI
Wherein we discover that many of the "rules" for good writing and good sex are the same: Keep your hand moving, lose control, and don't think. Goldberg brings a touch of both Zen and well... *eroticism* to her writing practice, the latter in exercises and anecdotes designed to ease you into your body, your whole spirit, while you create, the former in being where you are, working with what you have, and writing from the moment.
"If you are not afraid of the voice inside you, you will not fear the critics outside you." Being friend with the universe is the most powerful defense. Thank you Natalie, though I don't know you. Thank you Sisley, though I haven't met you.
评分reworking and rewriting,will be reborn.
评分"If you are not afraid of the voice inside you, you will not fear the critics outside you." Being friend with the universe is the most powerful defense. Thank you Natalie, though I don't know you. Thank you Sisley, though I haven't met you.
评分"If you are not afraid of the voice inside you, you will not fear the critics outside you." Being friend with the universe is the most powerful defense. Thank you Natalie, though I don't know you. Thank you Sisley, though I haven't met you.
评分reworking and rewriting,will be reborn.
Writing Down the Bones 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书