作者托馬斯•伊爾是SOA係統公司(SOA SystemsInc.)的創始人,XMLTC Consulting Inc.(www.xmltc.com)的總裁兼首席架構師,是OASIS SOA-RM 技術委員會的成員之一,並已齣版瞭諸多論文。
As XML becomes an increasingly significant part of the IT mainstream, expert guidance and common-sense strategies are required to avoid the many pitfalls of applying XML incorrectly or allowing it to be used in an uncontrolled manner. This book acts as a knowledge base for issues relating to integration, and provides clear, concise advice on how to best determine the manner and direction XML technology should be positioned and integrated. The book will be one of the first to provide documentation for second-generation Web services technologies (also known as WS-*). The importance of these specifications (which include BPEL, WS-Transaction, WS-Coordination, WS-Security, WS-Policy, and WS-Reliable Messaging) cannot be understated. Major standards organizations and vendors are supporting and developing these standards. ***David Keogh, Program Manager for Enterprise Frameworks and Tools, Microsoft, will provide a front cover quotation for the book.
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該書號稱SOA的基礎教材,但是讀起來卻讓人感覺有些空洞 我理解作者試圖從更高的層次來講解SOA,而且SOA確實也比較難以理解,把人們從XML+Web Service的認識誤區中轉齣來不容易 但是看瞭前六章,隻見滿眼的概念,而且重要的方法論,區彆也沒有重點標注,既然第二章已經舉齣瞭兩...
評分特彆欣賞它的引言,先講瞭書的各章節的組成及簡要,說是簡要,其實還挺詳細; 再有就是我最欣賞的它的案例,它在第2章介紹瞭本書貫穿始終的兩個案例的主人公——兩個公司的背景和他們在發展中碰到的問題,很好的為下麵soa的介入提供瞭鋪墊。 以後的章節都是為這兩個公司齣謀劃...
評分英文原版Service-Oriented Architecture:Concepts,Technology,and Design是一本很好的SOA入門書。作者把SOA的曆史,標準形成的過程都講得很到位,再加上兩個主要案例分析,很容易讓初學者明白SOA到底是什麼,什麼樣的場景下應該采用SOA。另外,對WS-*標準的介紹也恰到好處。 ...
圖書標籤: SOA 計算機
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