伊恩·麥剋尤恩,(1an McEwan,1948-)是英國當代文壇最優秀、最具影響力的作傢之一。畢業於布賴頓的薩塞剋斯大學,後在東安吉利大學獲得碩士學位。自其第一部短篇小說集《最初的愛情,最後的儀式》獲1 975年毛姆奬以來,他多次獲得布剋奬提名。其作品《阿姆斯特丹》1998年布剋奬摺桂,《贖罪》獲2002年布剋奬提名,《星期六》獲2005年布剋奬提名。主要作品((最初的愛情,最後的儀式》《水泥花園》《床笫之間》《陌生人的慰藉》((時間的孩子》《無罪者》K黑犬》《白日夢者》《愛無可忍》《阿姆斯特丹》《贖罪》《星期六》。
From the pen of a master -- the #1 bestselling, Booker Prize-winning author of Atonement -- comes an astonishing novel that captures the fine balance of happiness and the unforeseen threats that can destroy it. A brilliant, thrilling page-turner that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. Saturday is a masterful novel set within a single day in February 2003. Henry Perowne is a contented man -- a successful neurosurgeon, happily married to a newspaper lawyer, and enjoying good relations with his children. Henry wakes to the comfort of his large home in central London on this, his day off. He is as at ease here as he is in the operating room. Outside the hospital, the world is not so easy or predictable. There is an impending war against Iraq, and a general darkening and gathering pessimism since the New York and Washington attacks two years before. On this particular Saturday morning, Perowne's day moves through the ordinary to the extraordinary. After an unusual sighting in the early morning sky, he makes his way to his regular squash game with his anaesthetist, trying to avoid the hundreds of thousands of marchers filling the streets of London, protesting against the war. A minor accident in his car brings him into a confrontation with a small-time thug. To Perowne's professional eye, something appears to be profoundly wrong with this young man, who in turn believes the surgeon has humiliated him -- with savage consequences that will lead Henry Perowne to deploy all his skills to keep his family alive.
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評分一個四十九歲中年男人的疲憊感與無力感。源自於生活的脫離控製。意外、衰老、死亡、兒女在精神意義上的離開、恐怖主義的威脅、世界其他角落發生的戰爭...... 唯一令他感覺放鬆和安全的位置反而在於緊張、危險但他得以掌控手術刀的手術颱。 安全感來自於能夠控製。 麵對無法...
評分星期六 他去敬老院看望母親。 “你好,媽媽!莉蓮,我是貝羅安,您的兒子貝羅安。” “你好,親愛的。你要去哪兒?” “我來看你的。我們迴你房間坐會吧。” “很抱歉,親愛的,我沒有房間,我在等著迴傢,我要乘公共汽車迴傢。” 他知道她指的是她童年的傢,以為她的母親在那...
評分這本書斷斷續續看瞭很多天。不難怪,情節不太緊張,整本書是一個英國中産階級對周遭社會、自身傢庭、個人心理的全麵解剖,並且濃縮在一個星期六裏完成。隨意看,差不多瞭就放下咀嚼一會兒,半個月纔讀完。 (形式上像是美劇《24小時》還是丹布朗那堆書呢忽然想起來。) 我有...
評分圖書標籤: english 文學 小說 fiction
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