The Celestine Prophecy 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
《塞莱斯廷预言》,不知是因它确是一本好书,还是读它时心灵的纯净简单,过了这许多年,回眸点滴受其精髓影响颇深,即使情节已不太能清晰记起。 远自11岁这年读那本深入浅出讲述人类哲学史的《苏菲的世界》开始,或许是自始过往发生的如此无奈和诧异,仿佛从来就不曾依循在那条...
评分两年前,读第一遍的时候,感觉“能量”这东西非常神奇,那白色透明的光圈,仿佛传说中的“灵光”。于是,傻冒似的开始瞪大眼睛在周围开始寻求书上所谓的“能量”。当然,最终以失败告终,得出来的结论仅是——哎,我真的没有通灵术! 今日,再读之,虽依然有神奇之感,但也突然...
评分《塞莱斯廷预言》,不知是因它确是一本好书,还是读它时心灵的纯净简单,过了这许多年,回眸点滴受其精髓影响颇深,即使情节已不太能清晰记起。 远自11岁这年读那本深入浅出讲述人类哲学史的《苏菲的世界》开始,或许是自始过往发生的如此无奈和诧异,仿佛从来就不曾依循在那条...
评分从道教及气功的角度来解读九条真知: 要是以前看过点道教或气功的书,就会发现莱德菲尔德先生的理论其实并不新鲜,只不过更换了些现代语言和术语而已。下面我试用道家的口吻串讲一下: 唉,当今之世,世风日下,众人汲汲于功名利禄久矣!所谓物极必反,否极而泰将来,故有识之...
评分94年或是96年出的书,探险小说的紧凑情节,寓言般的生活哲理,简练的文字,还不错的翻译.跟读了<牡羊少年奇幻之旅>一样,很舒服. 人因为失去了与宇宙终极能源的联系,只好用各种手段相互抢夺能量,尤其是在家庭里,比如方式之一是企图全面控制一个人的生活,然后不停的挑毛病,这种叫审问...
图书标签: 能量 Spiritual 小说 Redfield,James 哲学 Prophecy 英文原版 Celestine
You have never read a book like this before -- a book that comes along once in a lifetime to change lives forever.
In the rain forests of Peru, an ancient manuscript has been discovered. Within its pages are 9 key insights into life itself -- insights each human being is predicted to grasp sequentially; one insight, then another, as we move toward a completely spiritual culture on Earth. Drawing on ancient wisdom, it tells you how to make connections among the events happening in your life right now and lets you see what is going to happen to you in the years to come. The story it tells is a gripping one of adventure and discovery, but it is also a guidebook that has the power to crystallize your perceptions of why you are where you are in life and to direct your steps with a new energy and optimisim as you head into tomorrow.
Some of the core messages are very similar to what we have studied in Anthroposophy - although still quite different as well.
评分以小说的方式谈论终极问题 核心仍是意识与物质 人的内心的外部世界的关系 人的精神觉醒与最终归宿 dan brown的lost symbol,michael crichton的the sphere, 稻盛和夫的《活法》,《惊世秘笈》the secret,好莱坞的 the men who stare at goats,所谓的意识“科学”noetics说到底讨论的都是同一个主题。这方面,西方哲学显然需要向东方学习。
The Celestine Prophecy 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书