You have never read a book like this before -- a book that comes along once in a lifetime to change lives forever.
In the rain forests of Peru, an ancient manuscript has been discovered. Within its pages are 9 key insights into life itself -- insights each human being is predicted to grasp sequentially; one insight, then another, as we move toward a completely spiritual culture on Earth. Drawing on ancient wisdom, it tells you how to make connections among the events happening in your life right now and lets you see what is going to happen to you in the years to come. The story it tells is a gripping one of adventure and discovery, but it is also a guidebook that has the power to crystallize your perceptions of why you are where you are in life and to direct your steps with a new energy and optimisim as you head into tomorrow.
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從道教及氣功的角度來解讀九條真知: 要是以前看過點道教或氣功的書,就會發現萊德菲爾德先生的理論其實並不新鮮,隻不過更換瞭些現代語言和術語而已。下麵我試用道傢的口吻串講一下: 唉,當今之世,世風日下,眾人汲汲於功名利祿久矣!所謂物極必反,否極而泰將來,故有識之...
評分 評分94年或是96年齣的書,探險小說的緊湊情節,寓言般的生活哲理,簡練的文字,還不錯的翻譯.跟讀瞭<牡羊少年奇幻之旅>一樣,很舒服. 人因為失去瞭與宇宙終極能源的聯係,隻好用各種手段相互搶奪能量,尤其是在傢庭裏,比如方式之一是企圖全麵控製一個人的生活,然後不停的挑毛病,這種叫審問...
評分94年或是96年齣的書,探險小說的緊湊情節,寓言般的生活哲理,簡練的文字,還不錯的翻譯.跟讀瞭<牡羊少年奇幻之旅>一樣,很舒服. 人因為失去瞭與宇宙終極能源的聯係,隻好用各種手段相互搶奪能量,尤其是在傢庭裏,比如方式之一是企圖全麵控製一個人的生活,然後不停的挑毛病,這種叫審問...
評分其實現在我也不敢說我看懂瞭,我的確太弱。。。。。。 十年前,1999年,我在天津,通過貝塔斯曼書友會買到的這本書,用毛筆在扉頁上寫瞭“1999年購於上海”,但是我當時的確不知道這本書在說什麼,第一條真知都沒耐心看下去,身邊有一個朋友倒是給我解釋瞭下,讓...
圖書標籤: 能量 Spiritual 小說 Redfield,James 哲學 Prophecy 英文原版 Celestine
評分。。前男友留下的唯一有用的東西,靈修類,作者想法很好,讓人聯想到通靈王裏的那個"great energy",就是故事有點生硬。。。
評分mind opening
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