Applying UML and Patterns 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这是一本介绍OOA和OOD的不错的入门书. 对于我来说, 以前对OOA/D都是一些大致的概念, 而至于到底应该怎么在实际开发中使用却不得其解, 在这本书中解答了我的很多OOA/D方面的疑惑(另外整本书翻译的也很到位, 阅读起来非常顺畅). 实战性也非常强, 作者通过两个非常容易理解的例子(...
评分larman想把一本书的内容迭代过程的方式展现出来,想法很有新意,但是效果很差。 从整体上来说,内容乱翻翻的。同时,思路在一次次迭代中一次次被打断,比较糟糕。 另外,对于OO的设计如何体现/如何切入。感觉内容很浅,没有深度,同时实践性不好。没有好的套路,不可复制。—...
评分我以前做设计的时候基本是凭直觉和经验,虽然也知道一些原则,但不够系统化,难以应用。 这本书则在这方面帮助我提高了很多,书中提供了很多可复制可操作的方法,让我在思考的时候有了更明确的方向。 书名为uml和模式应用,其中包含了几类模式,一类是需求分析模式FURPS+,一...
评分作者在文中鼓吹基于职责的设计。 但是从例子看不出职责在哪里体现,感觉UML很难表现职责。 职责是一种关系?表现为依赖还是关联? 从例子上看,很多设计决策都是reasonable的行为,一定要职责驱动吗? 看来要去翻基于职责设计的原始文献。
评分2013-04-19 13:39 抱着《UML和模式应用》这本书看了大半年,这本书的内容有很多,但总体思想依然是: 软件系统的可维护、可扩展 高效率、持续、迭代交付可复用的软件产品 前期、需求分析、分析设计、编码开发的主要步骤,作者对整个过程提出了最佳实践 迭代开发、需求进化...
图书标签: UML 软件工程 OOAD 软件设计 programming pattern 计算机 OO
"This edition contains Larman's usual accurate and thoughtful writing. It is a very good book made even better." -Alistair Cockburn, author, Writing Effective Use Cases and Surviving OO Projects"Too few people have a knack for explaining things. Fewer still have a handle on software analysis and design. Craig Larman has both." -John Vlissides, author, Design Patterns and Pattern Hatching"People often ask me which is the best book to introduce them to the world of OO design. Ever since I came across it Applying UML and Patterns has been my unreserved choice." -Martin Fowler, author, UML Distilled and Refactoring"This book makes learning UML enjoyable and pragmatic by incrementally introducing it as an intuitive language for specifying the artifacts of object analysis and design. It is a well written introduction to UML and object methods by an expert practitioner." -Cris Kobryn, Chair of the UML Revision Task Force and UML 2.0 Working Group*A brand new edition of the world's most admired introduction to object-oriented analysis and design with UML *Fully updated for UML 2 and the latest iterative/agile practices *Includes an all-new case study illustrating many of the book's key points Applying UML and Patterns is the world's #1 business and college introduction to "thinking in objects"-and using that insight in real-world object-oriented analysis and design. Building on two widely acclaimed previous editions, Craig Larman has updated this book to fully reflect the new UML 2 standard, to help you master the art of object design, and to promote high-impact, iterative, and skillful agile modeling practices. Developers and students will learn object-oriented analysis and design (OOA/D) through three iterations of two cohesive, start-to-finish case studies. These case studies incrementally introduce key skills, essential OO principles and patterns, UML notation, and best practices. You won't just learn UML diagrams-you'll learn how to apply UML in the context of OO software development. Drawing on his unsurpassed experience as a mentor and consultant, Larman helps you understand evolutionary requirements and use cases, domain object modeling, responsibility-driven design, essential OO design, layered architectures, "Gang of Four" design patterns, GRASP, iterative methods, an agile approach to the Unified Process (UP), and much more. This edition's extensive improvements include * A stronger focus on helping you master OOA/D through case studies that demonstrate key OO principles and patterns, while also applying the UML * New coverage of UML 2, Agile Modeling, Test-Driven Development, and refactoring * Many new tips on combining iterative and evolutionary development with OOA/D * Updates for easier study, including new learning aids and graphics * New college educator teaching resources * Guidance on applying the UP in a light, agile spirit, complementary with other iterative methods such as XP and Scrum * Techniques for applying the UML to documenting architectures * A new chapter on evolutionary requirements, and much more Applying UML and Patterns, Third Edition, is a lucid and practical introduction to thinking and designing with objects-and creating systems that are well crafted, robust, and maintainable.
Craig Larman的应用url与模式,1,2,3版,版版必读
评分i feel this book hard to understand~
评分很经典,内容高度精炼,但是以我这种刚入门的水平有时不容易理解。结合《Head First Software Development》阅读更佳。
Applying UML and Patterns 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书