Show Stopper 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
我是断断续续的读完这本书的,所以很多内容感觉上不是很连贯。我不知道是因为我的断断续续,还是因为翻译质量导致的,但为了维护对自己近30年的汉语经验的一点点可怜的自尊,我还是归咎于翻译质量吧。 这位同学举出了一些:http://book.douban.com/review/2308117/,自己在读...
评分为世人完整的重现了整个NT开发过程的方方面面,让大家对这样大型、复杂项目有了一个感性的认识,对项目、团队管理具有不小的启发作用。 感触: 一:经济刺激作用。不用看薪资待遇方面,最初加入NT团队的人,2年左右的时间通过持有的微软股票基本都成了百万富翁。 二:关键的高...
评分首先,关于书名: 按照译者的说法,“观止”这个词取自《古文观止》的后半截,而《古文观止》后半截是什么意思呢? >>“观止”二字,出自《左传•襄公十九年》:吴季札在鲁国赏周乐,至《韶》舞,赞叹:“德至矣哉!大矣”,认为无美不具,于是说:“观止矣。”书名为观止,...
图书标签: Windows 传记 软件工程 微软 计算机 历史 程序人生 项目管理
Showstopper! is a vivid account of the creation of Microsoft Windows NT, perhaps the most complex software project ever undertaken. It is also a portrait of David Cutler, NT's brilliant and, at times, brutally aggressive chief architect.
Cutler surely ranks as one of the most impressive software engineers the field has ever produced. After leading the team that created the VMS operating system for Digital's VAX computer line--an accomplishment that most would regard as a lifetime achievement--he went on to conceive and lead the grueling multi-year project that ultimately produced Windows NT. Both admired and feared by his team, Cutler would let nothing stand in the way of realizing his design and often clashed with his programmers, senior Microsoft management, and even Gates himself. Yet no matter how involved he became in managing his 100-programmer team, he continued to immerse himself in every technical detail of the project and write critical portions of the code himself.
Showstopper! is also a fascinating look at programmer and managerial culture behind the Microsoft facade. The portraits of the men and women who created NT not only reveal the brilliance of their work but the crushing stress and the dislocating effects that new wealth had on their lives. For some team members, the NT project ultimately destroyed their marriages, friendships, and virtually every human relationship outside of work. Showstopper! also reveals the uncertainties, false starts, and blind alleys that dogged the project as Microsoft repositioned NT from an improved OS/2 to something that would ultimately challenge both OS/2 and Unix for the title of the world's most powerful operating system.
good book to know how other team or company works on the critical project, how to keep the team morale, and how to handle stress,etc. A lot of findings in this book.
评分大型软件简直是个nightmare 中文翻译得不怎么样
Show Stopper 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书