Annie Proulx has written some of the most original and brilliant short stories in contemporary literature, and for many readers and reviewers, "Brokeback Mountain" is her masterpiece.Ennis del Mar and Jack Twist, two ranch hands, come together when they re working as sheepherder and camp tender one summer on a range above the tree line. At first, sharing an isolated tent, the attraction is casual, inevitable, but something deeper catches them that summer.Both men work hard, marry, and have kids because that s what cowboys do. But over the course of many years and frequent separations this relationship becomes the most important thing in their lives, and they do anything they can to preserve it.The New Yorker won the National Magazine Award for Fiction for its publication of "Brokeback Mountain," and the story was included in Prize Stories 1998: The O. Henry Awards. In gorgeous and haunting prose, Proulx limns the difficult, dangerous affair between two cowboys that survives everything but the world s violent intolerance.
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去年的春節重溫李安的《斷背山》,然後齣於好奇下載瞭Annie Proulx的原著。不到一小時就看完瞭。我是以熱切的心情貪婪地吞噬這部作品,不過它也太短瞭,信息量如此巨大的故事,充其量隻有介於短篇和中篇小說之間的篇幅。 一個首尾呼應的故事,步入老境的Ennis在他破舊的房車中...
評分等不及電影,便找來原著小說看。薄薄十幾頁,在深圳返迴上海的航班上看完。 一開始很詫異優雅的李安居然會拍這樣的故事,飛機引擎的轟鳴聲中,牛仔們粗糙的對話,既不美麗也不含蓄委婉。 可是慢慢地,在翻過幾頁之後,我跟著Ennis和Jack來到斷背山,來到那個宿命的夏天,周圍...
評分去年的春節重溫李安的《斷背山》,然後齣於好奇下載瞭Annie Proulx的原著。不到一小時就看完瞭。我是以熱切的心情貪婪地吞噬這部作品,不過它也太短瞭,信息量如此巨大的故事,充其量隻有介於短篇和中篇小說之間的篇幅。 一個首尾呼應的故事,步入老境的Ennis在他破舊的房車中...
評分很粗略的看完瞭BrokeBack Moutain的原著,淚水在粗獷但是卻真摯的牛仔式的言語文字中慢慢滲透齣薄薄的紙張,從Ernnis的眼中,蔓延到我的心中。 閉上眼仿佛看到瞭美麗的草場,如雲的羊群和淡霧擁戴的斷臂山,看到篝火旁相擁的身影,看到清澈湖畔彼此依偎的笑容,看到躺在血泊中...
評分去年的春節重溫李安的《斷背山》,然後齣於好奇下載瞭Annie Proulx的原著。不到一小時就看完瞭。我是以熱切的心情貪婪地吞噬這部作品,不過它也太短瞭,信息量如此巨大的故事,充其量隻有介於短篇和中篇小說之間的篇幅。 一個首尾呼應的故事,步入老境的Ennis在他破舊的房車中...
圖書標籤: 美國 同誌 AnnieProulx 小說 Brokeback 愛情 小說 Annie_Proulx
在環繞祁連山的路上斷斷續續看完斷背山,電影是幾年前看的,書還是給看哭瞭。藉用封2和封底兩條特彆到位的書評:"... the difficult, dangerous affair between two cowboys that survives everything but the world's violent intolerance." "... the sad chronology of a love affair between two men who can't afford to call it that."
評分書太短瞭 還是電影更好
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