Armen Alchian, an American economist born in Fresno, California, is in many ways like Ronald Coase (see Coase). Like Coase, Alchian has published only a few articles, but very few unimportant ones. Also, like Coase's articles, some of Alchian's are widely cited.
Alchian is also known for his textbook, University Economics (now called Exchange and Production), coauthored with William R. Allen. That text is unique in economics. It is much more literary and humorous than any other modern economics textbook that deals with complex issues for an undergraduate audience.
Because of its literary quality and complexity, their text generally did not work with undergraduate or even M.B.A. classes. But its impact was out of all proportion to its sales. Many graduate students, particularly at the University of California at Los Angeles, where Alchian has taught since 1964, and at the University of Washington (where Alchian student Steven Cheung taught), learned their basic economics from this book. Some of the University of Washington students went on to write best-selling textbooks that made many of Alchian and Allen's insights more understandable to an undergraduate audience. Alchian and Allen's textbook was truly a public good, a good that created large benefits for which its creators could not charge. And while Alchian played the role of selfish cynic in his class, some who studied under him had the feeling that he put so much care and work into his low-selling text—and into his students—because of his concern for humanity.
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評分上傳的計劃:每次傳一章上來,直到有3人把讀書筆記或摘要或討論貼到這裏,我再接著傳下一章。經常隻下載不閱讀的同學,可以把這當成一種讀書的激勵。 歡迎關注與價格理論教材相關的幾個帖子: 【網絡首發】Milton Friedman <Price Theory> 1976 第二版 http://www.pinggu.or...
圖書標籤: 經濟學 Economics alchian 經濟 大學經濟學 Alchian 國外教材 大師
評分不知道是否還有齣新版?真的要絕版瞭麼.....走的是中間路綫的教材或許更受歡迎。可阿爾欽的書不會花那麼大力氣去講什麼社會主義等等他認為不重要的理論(第三版為1974年 可以對比下當年的薩繆爾森)如今看來此書仍為經典 比曼昆等仍不差(事實上我覺得曼昆用經濟學分析紅綠燈那個例子就是錯的) 像用price-takers and price-searchers markets來區分市場 等等都給人以啓發
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