The Savage Mind 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
列维-斯特劳斯力图证明,原始的具体性思维与现代的抽象性思维仅仅是两种不同的思维方式,并无高低上下之分,相反,这两种思维方式在人类历史上一直并行发展、各司其职,互相渗透补充。他还断言,人类艺术与科学活动即分别与这两种思维方式向符。 其实,原始思维并非理性的匮乏...
评分 评分太初有言,言与神同在。有言即有神灵,因神话归根结底是来自语言材料的。自语言产生之后,人类的交往就从无尽的可能性中脱颖而出,转而进入有限的变化范围。“万花筒中的图案归根结底是有限的,因为组成它的那些碎片是有限的。”在许多文明中,古人对此的认识都很清楚,他们对...
评分p13 动植物不是由于有用才被认识的,它们之所以被看作有用或有益的,正是因为它们首先已经被认识了。 p22 神话思想的特征是,他借助一些参差不齐的元素表列来表达自己,这套元素表列即使包罗广泛也是有限的;然而不管面对着什么任务,它都必须使用这套元素,因为它没有任何其...
评分在前言中,列维斯特劳斯竟然说,这本书是他根据自己的一些讲稿“随意扩充”而成的,这也太耍无赖了吧。 既然如此,我也就不细究了: 列维在第一章开头引用了许多研究,说原始人虽然知识范围不够宽广,但是在有限的领域内,知识却是极大的丰富,因此得出结论:原始人并不是只认...
图书标签: 人类学 Anthropology 笔记人老师的推荐 Levi-Strauss 建筑 哲学 理论书打基础 法国
"Every word, like a sacred object, has its place. No "precis" is possible. This extraordinary book must be read."--Edmund Carpenter, "New York Times Book Review "
"No outline is possible; I can only say that reading this book is a most exciting intellectual exercise in which dialectic, wit, and imagination combine to stimulate and provoke at every page."--Edmund Leach, "Man "
"Levi-Strauss's books are tough: very scholarly, very dense, very rapid in argument. But once you have mastered him, human history can never be the same, nor indeed can one's view of contemporary society. And his latest book, "The Savage Mind," is his most comprehensive and certainly his most profound. Everyone interested in the history of ideas "must" read it; everyone interested in human institutions "should "read it."--J. H. Plumb, "Saturday Review"
"A constantly stimulating, informative and suggestive intellectual challenge."--Geoffrey Gorer, "The Observer," London
评分对照可知中译本错在何处= =大致看过了第一章和末两章。顺附一段不错的英译本原文:“a good deal of ego-centricity and naivety is necessary to believe that man has taken refuge in a single one of the historical or geographical modes of his existence, since the truth about man resides in the system of their difference and common properties.” ----Levi-Strauss
评分course reading
评分对照可知中译本错在何处= =大致看过了第一章和末两章。顺附一段不错的英译本原文:“a good deal of ego-centricity and naivety is necessary to believe that man has taken refuge in a single one of the historical or geographical modes of his existence, since the truth about man resides in the system of their difference and common properties.” ----Levi-Strauss
The Savage Mind 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书