HTML is changing so fast it's almost impossible to keep up with developments. XHTML is HTML 4.0 rewritten in XML; it provides the precision of XML while retaining the flexibility of HTML. HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition, brings it all together. It's the most comprehensive book available on HTML and XHTML today. It covers Netscape Navigator 6.0, Internet Explorer 5.0, HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, JavaScript, Style sheets, Layers, and all of the features supported by the popular web browsers.
Learning HTML and XHTML is like learning any new language, computer or human. Most students first immerse themselves in examples. Studying others is a natural way to learn, making learning easy and fun. Imitation can take learning only so far, though. It's as easy to learn bad habits through imitation as it is to acquire good ones. The better way to become HTML-fluent is through a comprehensive reference that covers the language syntax, semantics, and variations in detail and demonstrates the difference between good and bad usage.
HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition, helps in both ways: the authors cover every element of HTML/XHTML in detail, explaining how each element works and how it interacts with other elements. Many hints about HTML/XHTML style smooth the way for writing documents that range from simple online documentation to complex presentations. With hundreds of examples, the book gives web authors models for writing their own effective web pages and for mastering advanced features, like style sheets and frames.
HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition, shows how to:
Implement the XHTML 1.0 standard and prepare web pages for the transition to XML browsers
Use style sheets and layers to control a document's appearance
Create tables, from simple to complex
Use frames to coordinate sets of documents
Design and build interactive forms and dynamic documents
Insert images, sound files, video, Java applets, and JavaScript programs
Create documents that look good on a variety of browsers
The book comes with a handy quick reference card listing HTML tags.
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雖然內容形式過於呆闆,比如dir lang這幾個屬性其實都一樣,但書中還是對每個標簽都說一遍,浪費紙張。 有一個地方沒看明白,CSS中,關於媒體的,screen, print為什麼不包括筆記本? 筆記本對應的媒 體應該是什麼?
評分過時的東西太多,冗長而重復的東西也很多,很多通用的attribute例如dir,lang之類的每新講一個tag時都要用上一段字去重新描述一番,簡直好像是在湊字數。很多deprecated的東西所占的篇幅一點都不少。 很多時候,作者很擅長用很長的句子說明一件根本就不是重點或者顯而易見的東...
評分去年夏天,讀瞭O’Reilly齣版的《HTML與XHTML權威指南》,算是對互聯網有瞭更好的理解。最近有翻瞭《Joel談軟件》上的一篇帖子,講Tim Berners Lee的萬維網發明初衷,也很有心得。 首先,SGML是個偉大到近乎巴彆塔的設想,涵蓋瞭各種各樣的符號語言,但緊接著的問題是,這麼野...
評分想成為專業Web Designer的一定要看!看完再看一遍W3C的Standard。 後麵附帶的一個tag card太實用瞭,可以貼在辦公桌上~! 不過整體說來,如果是給用來提高的devloper看的話,書的性價比差瞭點,70%的都是非常初級的內容。整體翻譯還可以。
圖書標籤: 計算機 網絡
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