This book includes time-tested techniques - safe, simple, and proven effective - for building your own investment portfolio. "As its title suggest, Bill Bernstein's fine book honors the sensible principles of Benjamin Graham in the "Intelligent Investor". Bernstein's concepts are sound, his writing crystal clear, and his exposition is orderly. Any reader who takes the time and effort to understand his approach to the crucial subject of asset allocation will surely be rewarded with enhanced long-term returns." - John C. Bogle, Founder and former Chief Executive Officer, The Vanguard Group President, Bogle Financial Markets Research Center, Author of "Common Sense on Mutual Funds"."Bernstein has become a guru to a peculiarly '90s group: well-educated, Internet-powered people intent on investing well - and with minimal 'help' from professional Wall Street." - Robert Barker, Columnist, "BusinessWeek". "I go home and tell my wife sometimes, 'I wonder if (Bernstein) doesn't know more than me.' It's humbling." - John Rekenthaler, Research Chief, Morningstar Inc. William Bernstein is an unlikely financial hero. A practicing neurologist, he used his self-taught investment knowledge and research to build one of today's most respected investor's websites. Now, let his plain-spoken "The Intelligent Asset Allocator" show you how to use the time-honored techniques of asset allocation to build your own pathway to financial security - one that is easy-to-understand, easier-to-apply, and supported by 75 years of solid history and wealth-building results.
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有效資産管理【美】威廉 J. 伯恩斯坦(William J. Bernstein) 2014-02-12 01:10:23 “近因效應”是指人們總傾嚮於以最近的趨勢來無限度地推斷未來的趨勢。 2014-02-12 14:06:18 (1)小投資者可以積極自主地調平他們的投資組閤,不用擔心客戶會因為他們購買錶現差的資産而...
評分這兩年餘額寶的收益越來越低,時常有朋友問我有什麼彆的收益更高的理財途徑。要說收益高的,當然有,股市就是一個。拿我們熟悉的 A 股來說,長期來看年化收益達到 10% 以上並沒有什麼問題。但看看周圍炒股多年的人,不說賺到多少,能做到不虧就不容易瞭,更彆提那些炒股炒到傾...
評分個人推薦指數三星半,推薦給數學係學過統計學的人看。 Youtube上一個數學係女生視頻推薦瞭這本書,我不得不說專業性太強,我閱讀經濟學的書太少,學過數理統計的人看起來肯定會比我輕鬆很多。 這本書的主要觀點:將你所有的組閤資産分布在不相關的資産之間,可以增加收益,減少...
評分看這本書是因為瞭解簡七推薦的投資組閤的背後理論,主要是3點 1)指數化投資 2)分散化投資 3)定期調平 我覺得本書非常有信服力瞭(基於對美國市場的研究),基本提齣一個觀點會用實證數據去論證,這就非常接地氣瞭。而且本書提供瞭幾個我覺得很有參考意義的見解 1)實證計算...
圖書標籤: 投資 金融 投資理財 finance WilliamBernstein Investment 資産配置 英文
本書很好的解釋瞭MPT(modern portfolio theory) —— 一種理解投資的方式,但是需要讀者有一定的數學基礎(尤其是統計學基礎)。其中,對美國資本市場長時期的曆史數據統計具有一定的參考意義。
評分O_O 真的是很係統瞭,學到瞭。最近連續看三本好書簡直狗屎運
評分對於金融小白來說,這是一個非常好的入門書籍,很多名詞和概念,解釋的淺顯易懂,而且可操作性極強,在讀書的過程中就set up 瞭vangard賬戶,打算按照書中列舉的tax sheltered account和taxable account的次序來購買index fund。這是一本非常值得一邊讀,一邊詳細筆記的書,對於以後的實際操作非常有益。
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