"Vanity Fair", Thackeray's panoramic, satirical saga of corruption at all levels of English society, was published in 1847 but set during the Napoleonic Wars. It chronicles the lives of two women who could not be more different: Becky Sharp, an orphan whose only resources are her vast ambitions, her native wit, and her loose morals; and her schoolmate Amelia Sedley, a typically naive Victorian heroine, the pampered daughter of a wealthy family. Becky's fluctuating fortunes eventually bring her to an affair with Amelia's dissolute husband; when he is killed at Waterloo, Amelia and her child are left penniless, while Becky and her husband Rawdon Crawley rise in the world, managing to lead a high life in London solely on the basis of their shrewdness.(The chapter entitled "How to Live on Nothing" is a classic.) Thackeray's subtitle, "A Novel Without a Hero," is understating the case; his view of humanity in this novel is distinctly bleak and deliberately antiheroic. Critics of the time misunderstood the book, decrying it as (among other things) vicious, vile, and odious. But "Vanity Fair" has endured as one of the great comic novels of all time, and a landmark in the history of realism in fiction.
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愛米利亞是我論文的人物分析對象。為什麼會選愛米利亞•賽特笠,而不是《名利場》中無論在樣貌、口纔、技能各個方麵都更勝、更吸人眼球的利蓓加•夏潑呢? 因為愛米莉亞的性格實在是很有趣。《名利場》的作者薩剋雷開篇就說瞭,這小姑娘“心地厚道,性格溫柔可疼,為人又...
評分李嘉欣說,一開始的時候她並不知道她漂亮。 我想,這句話證明她是聰明而清醒的。 時裝雜誌采訪她,問到可有看過亦舒寫的印度墨,她答,不曾,我不看chick -lit(少女讀物)。 亦舒談起她,說法卻是:那時她對我說,倪匡他不理解,我得生存下去啊。 ...
評分英國十九世紀批判現實主義小說傢薩剋雷成名之作.故事主要描述英國中等階級,從鄙視一切商業的十足鄉紳氣派的大股東,到小本經紀得店掌櫃以及律師手下的小書記. 英國在十九世紀前期成瞭強大的工業國,擴大可殖民地,加速瞭資本主義的發展.當時講究的是放任主義和自由競賽,富者愈富,...
評分我看的那個版本很老瞭,是楊必先生翻譯的,最近纔知道她是楊絳的小妹妹,從楊絳的散文的迴憶裏可見楊必似乎終身未婚、性格開朗、打扮時髦、擅長模仿、很受疼愛,並且,做事認真。完成這本書的翻譯之後,楊必的身體就垮瞭,後來再也沒恢復,直到在某天夜晚的睡夢中悄悄去世。 難...
評分我曾經聽人用"尖酸刻薄的英國老太婆"形容一位過分挑剔的朋友,纔知道英國老太婆還有這樣的特長。我隻知道英國的老頭子也是很擅長挑剔人的:熱愛反諷的小說傢挑剔起他們的人物來,未必會輸給街邊聒噪的老太婆。 反諷有機智的好處,可機智要作為點綴纔好。薩剋雷的機智太多太熱...
圖書標籤: William.Thackeray 英文原版 英文原著 英國文學 小說 外國文學 文學 英國
評分買的是上外齣版社版本,可惜沒找到。 很厚很厚的書,很佩服自己居然就這麼一天一天把書讀完瞭,再唏噓一下,生活不過就是一個舞颱,一個vanity fair. All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely its players.
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