"Vanity Fair", Thackeray's panoramic, satirical saga of corruption at all levels of English society, was published in 1847 but set during the Napoleonic Wars. It chronicles the lives of two women who could not be more different: Becky Sharp, an orphan whose only resources are her vast ambitions, her native wit, and her loose morals; and her schoolmate Amelia Sedley, a typically naive Victorian heroine, the pampered daughter of a wealthy family. Becky's fluctuating fortunes eventually bring her to an affair with Amelia's dissolute husband; when he is killed at Waterloo, Amelia and her child are left penniless, while Becky and her husband Rawdon Crawley rise in the world, managing to lead a high life in London solely on the basis of their shrewdness.(The chapter entitled "How to Live on Nothing" is a classic.) Thackeray's subtitle, "A Novel Without a Hero," is understating the case; his view of humanity in this novel is distinctly bleak and deliberately antiheroic. Critics of the time misunderstood the book, decrying it as (among other things) vicious, vile, and odious. But "Vanity Fair" has endured as one of the great comic novels of all time, and a landmark in the history of realism in fiction.
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評分上一次在讀顯示2010年4月,時隔8年,再開爐竈,攻剋瞭這本英文完整版。 故事兩個女主角,一生起起伏伏,宛如兩條拋物綫,一條經過峰巔迴到原點,一條跌入榖底重返往日。半生浮華半世空,一朝天子一朝臣。錢真是個好東西,無論你以前是貴族還是平民,是王權還是罪犯,隻要竊得一...
評分多年以後,我還會記得2011年這個春節。除瞭第一次到我們新房來的未來的丈母娘和小舅子、大姨子一傢留下的印象外,還有這本厚達708頁的書——《名利場》。 這本書我聽說瞭很久,第一印象是喜歡這個書名。(我很相信,如今美國那本同名的時尚雜誌恐怕就是根據這本書名來起的雜...
評分我看的那個版本很老瞭,是楊必先生翻譯的,最近纔知道她是楊絳的小妹妹,從楊絳的散文的迴憶裏可見楊必似乎終身未婚、性格開朗、打扮時髦、擅長模仿、很受疼愛,並且,做事認真。完成這本書的翻譯之後,楊必的身體就垮瞭,後來再也沒恢復,直到在某天夜晚的睡夢中悄悄去世。 難...
評分此書的英文版,是上年頭就買瞭。衝著楊必的名氣看瞭幾頁中文,覺得還可以,就買瞭英文版來讀。結果中途多次讀不下去,多次放下不想看,可是最後咬咬牙看完瞭。很少看小說看得那麼糾結鬱悶。 不少人對此書的贊譽很高,不過大部分都是看楊必的中文版。不得不說,的確翻譯得不錯...
圖書標籤: William.Thackeray 英文原版 英文原著 英國文學 小說 外國文學 文學 英國
美麗的語言 吸引人的情節 好想多看幾本這樣的小說啊
評分"a novel without a hero" -- William Makepeace Thackeray
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