肯尼思·弗兰姆普敦,是哥伦比亚大学的维尔讲席教授(WareProfessor),曾有许多建筑理论历史方面的著作问世。原书由格拉汉姆高等艺术研究基金会(Graham Foundatlon for Advanced Studiesinthe Fine Arts)和麻省理工学院出版社联合出版。
Studies in Tectonic Culture 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
看的时候还算兴奋,看完后也似乎有所感悟,给朋友一说,朋友回:“你平立剖面还没画清楚呢,看他干吗,毕竟建筑是老年人的行业,急不的。” 乱了不是?
评分很多老师都推荐呢,王老师自己还问问买书的销售情况呢~~呵呵 慢慢读,读不懂是积累不够~~~慢慢积累~~ 希望那一天自己会彻悟 呵呵
评分哥大有人推荐我说 这个书翻得很好 看了这次markus peter的skript,深刻质疑这个说法。自然很多地方是原文不懂去看王老师的翻译,比如 stereometrie作砌筑解,但仍感到许多看德语high到不行的地方,看中文全没感觉的情况。 误读不是不好,文字本身只是传递的...
评分开篇 由于一些客观的我本人无法抗拒的原因 我被迫赋闲于宿舍数日 这段时间只有在一书桌、一书架、一电脑前徘徊 遂有一想法 我准备手书一副“养膘斋”纸幅 悬于床板与书架之间 但愿之后每日能于此笔耕不辍 得一部《养膘斋杂记》 聊以解闷 也做这数日赋闲的回报 不得以本人就...
图书标签: 建筑 建筑理论 Frampton Architecture tectonic KennethFrampton 建筑技术 建筑史
Kenneth Frampton's long-awaited follow-up to his classic A Critical History of Modern Architecture is certain to influence any future debate on the evolution of modern architecture.Studies in Tectonic Culture is nothing less than a rethinking of the entire modern architectural tradition. The notion of tectonics as employed by Frampton -- the focus on architecture as a constructional craft -- constitutes a direct challenge to current mainstream thinking on the artistic limits of postmodernism, and suggests a convincing alternative. Indeed, Frampton argues, modern architecture is invariably as much about structure and construction as it is about space and abstract form.Composed of ten essays and an epilogue that trace the history of contemporary form as an evolving poetic of structure and construction, the book's analytical framework rests on Frampton's close readings of key French and German, and English sources from the eighteenth century to the present. He clarifies the various turns that structural engineering and tectonic imagination have taken in the work of such architects as Perret, Wright, Kahn, Scarpa, and Mies, and shows how both constructional form and material character were integral to an evolving architectural expression of their work. Frampton also demonstrates that the way in which these elements are articulated from one work to the next provides a basis upon which to evaluate the works as a whole. This is especially evident in his consideration of the work of Perret, Mies, and Kahn and the continuities in their thought and attitudes that linked them to the past.Frampton considers the conscious cultivation of the tectonic tradition in architecture as an essential element in the future development of architectural form, casting a critical new light on the entire issue of modernity and on the place of much work that has passed as "avant-garde."A copublication of the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies and The MIT Press.
评分becoming a classic, if anyone refers to the subject of how culture embodies in architectural design
Studies in Tectonic Culture 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书