丹尼斯·麥奎爾(Denis McQuail),著名傳播學者,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學傳播學終身教授,“歐洲傳媒研究小組”成員,《歐洲傳播學雜誌》三位創始人之一。麥奎爾曾經就讀於牛津大學,獲得曆史學學位,後在利茲大學獲得博士學位。曾先後在美國賓夕法尼亞大學、哥倫比亞大學、哈佛大學、俄羅斯莫斯科大學、芬蘭坦佩雷大學、英國南安普敦大學擔任教授或客座教授,在阿姆斯特丹大學任教長達二十多年。
丹尼斯·麥奎爾在傳播學領域有著漫長而輝煌的研究經曆。從1968年至今,麥奎爾齣版瞭十幾本著作,廣泛涉及傳播研究的諸多領域,主要著作有:《邁嚮大眾傳播社會學》(Towards a Sociology of Mass Communications,1971)、《傳播》(Communication,1975)、《大眾傳播研究模式論》(Communication Models for the Study of Mass Communications,1982)、《大眾傳播理論》(Mass Communication Theory,1983)、《媒介行為》(Media Performance,1992)、《受眾分析》(Audience Analysis,1997)。《媒介政策》(Media Policy,1998)。他的不少著作被翻譯成多種文字並作為教材或教學參考書在世界各地使用。
'The book is essentially for a student of mass communication or may be of interest to the communications expert into communications reserach, theory or operations research. The author addresses a specific "audience" and does it to perfection with a simple very readable presentation' - The Economic Times Denis McQuail provides a coherent and succinct account of the concept of 'media audience' in terms of its history and its place in present-day media theory and research. McQuail describes and explains the main types of audience and the main traditions and fields of audience research. Audience Analysis explains the contrast between social scientific and humanistic approaches and gives due weight to the view 'from the audience' as well as the view 'from the media'. McQuail summarizes key research findings and assesses the impact of new media developments, especially transnationalization and new interactive technology. The book concludes with an evaluation of the continued relevance of the audience concept under conditions of rapid media change. Audience Analysis provides both an overview of past research and a guide to current thinking.
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Sofa~Hiahiahiahia~~ Until the multimedia network has developed when the social network service(SNS) appeared, the starting point of the communication is not only play the single-handed role,but also the audience in the forth media play two roles o...
圖書標籤: AudienceStudies audience analysis 受眾 傳播研究 錶達 新聞傳播 新媒體
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評分大略翻過 對受眾分析的基本瞭解還是很有幫助滴~
評分我就這樣徹底把它當工具書用瞭 sigh
評分大略翻過 對受眾分析的基本瞭解還是很有幫助滴~
評分大略翻過 對受眾分析的基本瞭解還是很有幫助滴~
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