本杰明•格雷厄姆(Benjamin Graham,1894~1976年)美国经济学家和投资思想家,投资大师, “现代证券分析之父”, 价值投资理论奠基人。格雷厄姆生于伦敦,成长于纽约,毕业于哥伦比亚大学。著有《证券分析》(1934年)和《聪明的投资者》(1949年),这两本书被公认为“划时代的、里程碑式的投资圣经”,至今仍极为畅销。格雷厄姆不仅是沃伦•巴菲特就读哥伦比亚大学经济学院的研究生导师,而且被巴菲特膜拜为其一生的“精神导师”,“血管里流淌的血液80%来自于格雷厄姆”。格雷厄姆在投资界的地位,相当于物理学界的爱因斯坦,生物学界的达尔文。作为一代宗师,他的证券分析学说和思想在投资领域产生了极为巨大的震动,影响了几乎三代重要的投资者。如今活跃在华尔街的数十位上亿的投资管理人都自称为格雷厄姆的信徒,因此,享有“华尔街教父”的美誉。
贾森•兹威格(Jason Zweig)《华尔街日报》投资与个人理财高级专栏作家。早先,他曾是《货币》杂志和《时代周刊》的资深专栏记者,《福布斯》共同基金专栏主编。从1987年他开始撰写投资方面的文章,是华尔街有影响力的资深财经传媒记者。
The Intelligent Investor 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
有个村庄的小康之家的女孩子,生得美,有许多人来做媒,但都没有说成。 那年她不过十五六岁吧,是春天的晚上,她立在后门口,手扶着桃树。她记得她穿的是一件月白的衫子。对门住的年轻人同她见过面,可是从来没有打过招呼的,他走了过来,离得不远,站定了,轻轻地...
评分为什么巴菲特如此推崇此书呢?因为此书为投资人提供了一个投资决策的正确思维模式。 巴菲特1973年在格雷厄姆《聪明的投资者》第四版的前言中写道:“投资成功不需要天才般的智商、非比寻常的经济眼光、或是内幕消息,所需要的只是在做出投资决策时的正确思维模式,以及有...
评分刚买了,对比英文原版The Intelligent Investor,翻译不错的,其中被很多人误传的“Margin of Safety翻译成安全性”的问题根本是子虚乌有,我保证翻译的是“安全边际”,请传播消息的人先确保消息的真实性!
评分本杰明•格雷厄姆美国经济学家和投资思想家,投资大师,被誉为 “现代证券分析之父”, 价值投资理论奠基人。《聪明的投资者》是有史以来第一本面向个人投资者提供投资成功所需的情绪框架和分析工具的专业书籍。 一、投资与投机的区别 似乎所有的证券交易者都被冠以“投资者...
图书标签: 金融 投资 管理 investment 成长 思维 finance 英文原版
<DIV align=center><EM>"This classic text fully conveys the basic principles of [Graham's] enormously successful and popular approach . . . to . . . investing." -Money magazine </EM></DIV>
The classic bestseller by Benjamin Graham, perhaps the greatest investment advisor of the Twentieth Century, The Intelligent Investor has taught and inspired hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Since its original publication in 1949, Benjamin Graham's book has remained the most respected guide to investing, due to his timeless philosophy of "value investing" which helps protect investors against areas of (possible) substantial error, and teaches them to develop long-term strategies with which they will be comfortable down the road.
Over the years, market developments have borne out the wisdom of Benjamin Graham's basic policies. Here he takes account of both the defensive and the enterprising investor, outlining the principles of stock selection for each, and stressing the advantages of a simple portfolio policy. This tape demonstrates that the continued success of common stocks cannot be taken for granted. Among its special features are the use of numerous comparisons of pairs of common stocks to bring out their elements of strength and weakness, and also the construction of investment portfolios designed to meet specific requirements of quality and price attractiveness.
Benjamin Graham (1894-1976), the father of value investing, was perhaps the most influential investor of all time. His books are investment classics, with The Intelligent Investor (first published in 1949) and Securities Analysis (1934) selling steadily. His life and work have been inspiration for many of today's most successful businessmen, including Warren Buffett.
Bill McGowan, a two-time Emmy award winner, has been a corespondent and anchor for several nationally syndicated television series over the past decade. </P>
评分看完的结论是,我永远不可能成为aggressive investors。女怕入错行@@
The Intelligent Investor 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书